Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Schoex - Ultimate school management system (Project Management Tools) download

Schoex – Ultimate school management system

Built on Laravel 4 And AngularJS

Schoex support 4 types of users :
  • Administrators
    • username : admin

    • password : admin123

  • Teachers
    • username : teacher

    • password : teacher123

  • Students
    • username : student

    • password : student123

  • Parents
    • username : parent

    • password : parent123

Try Demo : http://cr-house.com/apps/schoex/demo/

Quick start guide : http://cr-house.com/apps/schoex/Quick_Start

Documentation : http://cr-house.com/apps/schoex/docs/
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Schoex include multiple of modules that orchestrate together to define schoex services, here is the list of modules :
  • User groups : Administrators, teachers, students and parents

  • Registeration : Administrator must approve registerations of teachers, students or parents

  • Private messages : simple way to communicate with other users by messages

  • Mail / SMS : Administrators can send e-mail or SMS to teachers, students or parents

  • NewsBoard : Publish school news on board

  • Events : Publish scheduled events

  • Calender : List events, news, exams and online exams on calender

  • Attendance : Track attendance of students

  • Exams : Add exams scheduled for school students and grade levels

  • Assignments : Upload assignments related to each class

  • Online exams : Create online exams ( Multiple choice ) for students with auto marking

  • Dormitories : Add your school dormitories

  • Classes : Add your school classes

  • Class schedule : Create class schedule for each one

  • Subjects : Add subjects and their relation to teachers

  • Books library : Create online library by either download or book availability on library

User roles

Schoex has 4 user roles

  1. Administrators
    • Control all areas of script

    • Create new accounts and approve registeration requests

    • Send Mail / SMS to users

    • Control site settings, dormitories, classes, subjects, news, events and grade levels

    • Set class schedule for each class

    • Can use private messages with other site users

    • View library, download and check book status

  2. Teachers
    • Can see classes schedule

    • Add / Control attendance for students

    • Add / Control grades for students

    • Create online exams for classes and review marks

    • Can use private messages with other site users

    • View library, download and check book status

    • Can view news, events and calender

  3. Students
    • Can view exams and assignments

    • Can view online exams and take them

    • Can see classes schedule

    • Can view news, events and calender

    • Can use private messages with other site users

    • View library, download and check book status

  4. Parents
    • Can see his student’s marksheet and attendance

    • Can view exams and assignments

    • Can see classes schedule

    • Can view news, events and calender

    • Can use private messages with other site users

    • View library, download and check book status

Easy Installation wizard

Point brouser to /install and 3 easy steps to get your Schoex installed
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Registration system

You don’t have to manually enter teachers, student and parents. let them register and you approve their accounts with single click
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Member Messaging

Members can easy communicate with each others via internal messages (Real-time messages)
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Online Exams

Administrators & teachers can create online exams for student with ability to specify class students able to take this exam and option to show the grade after finish exam or not. specify start and deadline of exam with unlimited questions.
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Class schedule

You can control class schedule for each class and print them, simply press add, select subject day and time and press add
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Easily send mails & SMS to teachers, students or parents
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Teachers can control student attendance – Parent can monitor student attendance
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Book library

Archive your library books in this section ( Traditional ) and make other books downloadable ( Electronic ) .
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Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 5.4

  • MySQL Database


We provide support via :
  • CodeCanyon comments

  • E-mail address : info@cr-house.com

  • Support : http://support.cr-house.com

Change Log

Version 1.0.0 – 21 Dec 2014
- First version release

Important: Like This Post to show Download link!

DOWNLOAD Schoex - Ultimate school management system (Project Management Tools)

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