Monday, July 29, 2019

nulled Leo Fashion Store PrestaShop Theme 1.6 & 1.7 for Multipurposes Download


Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 1Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 2
Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 3Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 4

Fashion – Stylish Fashion Clothing PrestaShop Theme

Leo Fashion PrestaShop Theme – Fashion Theme Ecommerce is developed by Leotheme Team for Fashion Ecommerce Website, Flower Shop, Underwear Shop,…

  • Latest Version 1.7.5 – March 6, 2019 Changelog

  • PrestaShop 1.6.x & 1.7.x Ready

  • Powerful Leotheme Framework 4.0 with PrestaShop Modules Integrated

Leo Fashion – A Complete Fashion PrestaShop Theme for Trend 2019

What do you think a Fashion Shop requirements for launching an online? Pretty good appearance, glamor, exotic display & rity Fashion Lifestyle? Of course, they’re extremely important. If you pick any PrestaShop Template that has beautiful appearance & rich functionalities. It will be your smart choice. And so many other features for customers experience on this.

Don’t worry about this. Let Leo Fashion helps you.

Built on Leotheme Framework ( 3.0 & 4.0) – No.1 Theme Framework PrestaShop – and Bootstrap Compatibility, it’s easy to understand that why Leo Fashion got a lot of highest rating & comment as well. Ease to Use, Quickly Customization, Eye-catchy Appearance & Rich Content are the most benefits you get on Leo Fashion.

Leo Fashion is a professional minimalis, stylish & attractive Fashion PrestaShop Theme Responsive for Ecommerce Shopping online. Compatible with advanced versions of PrestaShop 1.7.x & 1.6.x, the fastest PrestaShop Theme is designed with all-need functionalities & design in advanced features & rich content. Fashion PrestaShop Theme is well choice for Fashion Shop, Flower Shop, Underwear, Beauty Salon or other Business. Moreover, the theme allows to customize freely. No limitation for customize & creativity. So you can make your shop more professionally & impressively.

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme Framework

Top Performance & Conversion Rate

Leo Fashion is a well-optimized PrestaShop Template Fashion. It helps your website achieve best user shopping experience & boost Google Ranking effectively.

The best Fashion PrestaShop Theme is available for both version PrestaShop 1.7.x & 1.6.x with all better UI/UX improvements & features content. The fast PrestaShop Theme Fashion Ecommerce ensures a wonderful display. Speedy performance & high conversion rate will help customers experience a wonderful shopping.

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Top performance

Premium Demos Included

Comes with multiple prebuilt Fashion Homepages Design, Featuring design, Leo Fashion helps focus on fashion, clothing, bag, accessory or Flowers Shop for better conversions. All stylish & flexible demos (homepages & cms page) are included in Fashion Package and imported instantly. It’s the best way for time-saving & cost-saving.

Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 5Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 6
Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 7Leo Fashion Store Prestashop Theme for Clothing, Flower, Underwear & Accessories - 8

Mobile Friendly & Responsive Fashion Website Design

This Fashion PrestaShop Theme Responsive is created with fully mobile optimization & other devices screens. It means your website can be shown-off perfectly & awesome looks in any screen size. No matter devices access. . With a responsive design and retina ready display, your site will look awesome on any device. Users can experience on shop on mobile, laptop, macbook, …as well.

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Fully Responsive

Powerful Mega Menu

With Leo Fashion, you can build a wide range of menus easily. By dragging & dropping, all menus for navigating store more quickly.

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Leo Mega Menu PrestaShop Module

Eye-catchy Image Slideshow

At the first view on Leo Fashion, you will be impressed with stunning sliders of PrestaShop Theme Fashion Responsive.

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Leo Bootstrap Slideshow

Drag n Drop Page Builder

Ap page Builder PrestaShop Module is one of the best PrestaShop Modules in Leo Framework. The module helps to build your content & layouts for both Homepages, Product Detail Page & Category page. 50+ Widgets supported let you enrich content easily. No code touching!

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Drag n Drop Page Builder

Powerful Theme Features

  • Leo Widgets

  • Bootstrap 3.x & 4.x

  • SASS Supported

  • Multiple Skin Color Support

  • RTL Languages Support

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Powerful Theme Features

Fully Customization with No Coding Required!

It’s ease to use & customize theme. Because of powerful Leo Theme framework, store owners can use Live Time Editor to edit, change color, background, font family, …in a real time. You can see the changes in no time at the right hands. So quickly?

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Fully Customization

Ultimate SEO Optimization

Using Leo Fashion PrestaShop Theme, you are no worry about for speed & search. Leo Fashion offers perfect way to get your Fashion Online Store in the highest rank on search engine. And as a result, your sale can be boosted sharply.

Leo Fashion Best Fashion PrestaShop Theme - Ultimate SEO Optimization

Update Prestashop

  • Designed and completed with 7 layout styles for product detail page

  • prestashop themes

  • Update Prestashop’s default RTL: can use RTL of Leotheme or default RTL (note: default RTL only for version upward)

  • Animation effect is flexible, frontend shows smoothly. Besides, other modules are updated to fit with version 1.7 like Megamenu, Slideshow, Live Theme Editor, Blog, etc. Especially, Leo Feature module with Wishlist, Compare, Review, Flycart (only add for version 1.7.2.x upward) & Default cart will bring the greatest experience for user.

Template Features

  • This Template compatible with Prestashop 1.6.x

  • This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devices

  • Colours Themes support 4 shops

  • Template support for Jquery Effects, css 3. Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.

  • Impressive built-in content style.

  • Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office.

  • Easy to add custom html module, special, new, home feature via Leo Manage Widget Module

  • Easy change color, template width via the Leo Theme Control Panel Module.

  • Support for native language file translation.

  • We translate template to 10 languages.

  • Fully compatible IE8+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.

  • Video Leo Framework

  • Leo Fashion Store guide for PrestaShop 1.6

Update prestashop 1.7.x

Update Prestashop

  • Page builder Module: drag and drop, short code, landing page creator, custom field for product and category.

  • Product list builder in home page and category page.

  • Product detail builder and support 7+ product layouts.

  • Product image thumbs bottom

  • Product image thumbs left

  • Product image thumbs right

  • Product image no thumbs

  • Product image no thumbs center

  • Product image no thumbs fullwidth

  • Product image gallery

  • Live edit theme: change background, text color, header and footer style

  • Mega menu module, blog module, responsive slideshow, video slideshow.

  • Fly cart, wishlist, add to compare, product tab, ajax search.

  • Css3, SVG icons used.

  • Product Slider/Grid home page and category page

  • Look book module, product gallery module

  • Social block: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.

  • Maximum load speed for google speed, SEO Optimization.

  • RTL and multiple language support

  • Change log:

    Version (March 6th, 2019)

    Back Office:
    Bug fix:
    #12507: Add hookDispatcher in GridFactory constructor, HookDispatcherAwareTrait has a safer getter
    #12234: Force refresh of tinymce editors in product page step 1
    #12402: Fix first attribute generation when not choosing first attribute
    #12372: Fix provider warehouse routes
    #12370: RTL fixes: profile, select and notification dropdown, popover tooltips, stock quantity arrows
    #12395: Change stock alert z index to be on top of header
    #12354: Fix cancel button on Safari browser
    #12361: Refacto SearchParameters and SearchParametersResolver for pagination
    #12205: Fix bulk module actions
    #12277: Prevent usage of enter key in search hook input
    #12236: SERP: Textarea from tinymce requires jquery to return the text value
    #12016: Update module & service link in upgrade
    #12196: Fix RTL glitches
    #12111: Keep showcase cards closed
    #11923: Fix error in SERP component when using non-alphanumeric characters
    Front Office:
    #12327: Make it possible to enable/disable attribute name on page title
    Bug fix:
    #12337: Slow combination update due to delay before request
    Bug fix:
    #12543: Update vulnerable dependencies
    #12389: Fixed grid hook calls
    #12292: Allow arabic numbers in link rewrite
    #12106: Robots.txt with multilang/multishop
    #11995: Fix undefined INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 if intl ICU < 4.6
    #11814: Fix typos and duplicate code in upgrade SQL
    Bug fix:
    #11937: Check if intl is installed in installer


    Bugs fixes
    You can see the comprehensive list of the 114 bugs fixed for on GitHub.

    Top watchers:

    #10638 - Undefined $urls index in ajax rendered template
    #9942 - Add new referer error
    #9916 - Viewed products don’t work on fresh installed PS1.7
    #9883 - Error in Chrome when hit back from product to category
    #9697 - Unable to translate some strings in bank wire payment module
    Symfony migration
    Newly migrated pages:

    Orders -> Delivery slips
    Orders -> Invoices
    Design -> Theme Catalog
    Design -> Positions
    Shipping -> Preferences
    Payment -> Payment Methods
    Payment -> Preferences
    International -> Localization -> Localization
    International -> Translations (Page 1 out of 2)
    Shop Parameters -> Order Settings -> Order Settings
    Shop parameters > Traffic & SEO > SEO & URLs
    Advanced Parameters -> Database -> DB Backup
    Advanced Parameters > Webservice (hidden, because the page “Advanced Parameters > Webservice -> Add key” has not been migrated and it does not make UX sense to have only one of them)
    Advanced Parameters -> Logs
    Advanced parameters -> Email

    You can now link migrated controllers to legacy one to avoid breaking links thanks to the _legacy_link routing property.
    The style of the migrated forms has been improved.


    Back Office:
    #9311: Apply shop context in configuration
    Bug fix:
    #9299: Fix error while duplicating a product when catalog specific price rules are stored
    #9297: Fix display when a module uses $this->bootstrap = false;
    #9261: Update Controller name for link generation to modules catalog
    #9268: Added .htaccess to var folder
    Front Office:
    Bug fix:
    #9315: Fix not visible category display
    #9295: Fix free shipping display on cart
    #9270: Apache 2.4 configuration
    #9252: Add combinations in cart summary
    Bug fix:
    #9288: Fix Cart::isVirtualCart() method when cart is empty
    #9298: Fix/remove mbo from tests
    #9220: Ability to use widget block from specific hook
    #9269: Update ps_themecusto to version 1.0.6
    #9237: Fixed bug with friendly URLs and Media Servers
    #9101: Fix have cart rule today
    #9302: Reduce the number of ajax calls if the fixtures are not too larges and if there’s enough memory available
    Bug fix:
    #9271: Catch more exceptions during install & display the error intead of a JS error
    #9258: Limit subquery results in upgrade sql


    Back Office:
    Bug fix:
    #9026: Fixed display error on back office module selection list
    Front Office:
    New feature:
    #9099: Follow-up to: display GDPR consent checkbox in contactform
    #9104: Add compliance to GDPR law for ps_emailsubscription module
    Here is the complete list of changes for

    Back Office:
    Bug fix:
    #8785: Fix directory listing
    Front Office:
    #9103: Add compliance to GDPR law for blocknewsletter, contact form and mail alerts


    Back Office:
    #7810: Add a loading spinner into product page
    Bug fix:
    #7938: Update bulk action combinations number after delete or add combination
    #8232: Fixed bug in AdminCartRulesController when limiting the validity …
    #8287: Fix the category search in the product page
    #8288: Fix displaying empty zip code of tax rule
    #8346: Fix the currency display in supply order
    #8366: Use default country instead of translator locale for marketplace API
    Front Office:
    Bug fix:
    #7781: Add error message when updating quantity wanted input
    #7848: Fix switching combination when the product is offline
    #8283: Currency exchange fixes on product page
    #8360: Fixing the version for core modules ps_legalcompliance ps_linklist ps_customtext ps_customeraccountlinks
    Bug fix:
    #8213: Voucher issue fix
    #8298: Add context mocker for front controller tests
    #8320: Fix again issue on Travis with window maximization (1.7.2.x)
    #8361: Fix conflict between two cart rules and a single product cart
    #8380: Fix Context::getTranslator() cache
    Web Services:
    Bug fix:
    #8275: Fix update product with WS





    ****** File tpl ****
    - shopping-cart-advanced.tpl
    - discount.tpl
    - modulesloyaltyviewstemplatesfrontloyalty.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistblockwishlist-extra.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistblockwishlist_button.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistblockwishlist.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistviewstemplatesfrontview.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistviewstemplatesfrontmywishlist.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistviewstemplatesfrontmanagewishlist.tpl


    **** File tpl ****
    - header.tpl

    **** File JS ****
    - jsproduct.js
    - jsstores.js
    - jsmodulesblocklayeredblocklayered.js


    ****** File tpl ****
    - sub/product_info/default.tpl
    - sub/product_info/tab.tpl

    ***** File JS *****
    - /js/product.js


    ****** File tpl ****
    - history.tpl

    ***** File JS *****
    - /js/debug/jquery.lint.LICENSE
    - /js/autoload/
    - js/autiload/jquery.uniform-modified.LICENSE


    ****** File tpl ****
    - category.tpl
    - global.tpl
    - header.tpl
    - footer.tpl
    - order-payment-classic.tpl
    - order-opc-new-account.tpl
    - order-payment-classic.tpl
    - pagination.tpl
    - product.tpl
    - authentication.tpl
    - order-address-product-line.tpl
    - shopping-cart.tpl
    - shopping-cart-advanced.tpl
    - shopping-cart-product-line.tpl
    - supplier-list.tpl
    - subproduct-itemproduct-item.tpl
    - subproduct_infotab.tpl
    - modulesblockcmsblockcms.tpl
    - modulesblocklanguagesblocklanguages.tpl
    - modulesblocksocialblocksocial.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistviewtemplatefrontmangewishlist.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistviewtemplatefrontmywishlist.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistviewtemplatefrontview.tpl
    - modulesblockwishlistblockwishlist_button.tpl
    - modulesproductcommentsproducts-comparison.tpl
    - modulesloyaltyviewstemplateshookproduct.tpl

    ***** File JS *****
    - js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js
    - js/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.js
    - js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js
    - js/modules/loyalty/js/loyalty.js
    - js/tools/statesManagement.js
    - js/global.js
    - js/product.js
    - js/stores.js

    *** File CSS ***
    - global.css
    - delete font-awesome.min.css

    *** Fonts ***
    - Update folder fonts to get the latest font


    Modified] .tpl file
    (#) subproduct_infotab.tpl
    (#) subproduct_infodefault.tpl
    (#) subproduct-itemproduct-item.tpl

    (#) 404.tpl
    (#) address.tpl
    (#) addresses.tpl
    (#) authentication.tpl
    (#) breadcrumb.tpl
    (#) contact-form.tpl
    (#) discount.tpl
    (#) header.tpl
    (#) identity.tpl
    (#) manufacturer-list.tpl
    (#) my-account.tpl
    (#) order-address-advanced.tpl
    (#) order-carrier.tpl
    (#) order-carrier-advanced.tpl
    (#) order-carrier-opc-advanced.tpl
    (#) order-follow.tpl
    (#) order-opc-new-account.tpl
    (#) order-payment-classic.tpl
    (#) order-slip.tpl
    (#) product.tpl
    (#) product-list-colors.tpl
    (#) products-comparison.tpl
    (#) scenes.tpl
    (#) shopping-cart.tpl
    (#) shopping-cart-advanced.tpl

    (#) modulesblockcartblockcart.tpl
    (#) modulesblockcartblockcart-json.tpl
    (#) modulesblockcmsblockcms.tpl
    (#) modulescrosssellingcrossselling.tpl
    (#) modulesfavoriteproductsviewstemplateshookmy-account.tpl
    (#) modulesloyaltyviewstemplatesfrontloyalty.tpl
    (#) modulesproductcommentsproductcomments.tpl
    (#) modulesproductcommentsproductcomments_reviews.tpl
    (#) modulesproductcommentsproductcomments-extra.tpl
    (#) modulesreferralprogramviewstemplatesfrontprogram.tpl

    [Modified] .js file
    (#) jsadvanced-payment-api.js
    (#) jscart-summary.js
    (#) jsglobal.js
    (#) jsorder-opc.js
    (#) jsproduct.js
    (#) jsmodulesblockcartajax-cart.js
    (#) jsmodulesblocklayeredblocklayered.js
    (#) jstoolsstatesManagement.js

    [Modified] .css file
    (#) cssglobal.css
    (#) cssmodulesblockcartblockcart.css



    (+) Add new


    1) in root /themes/THEME_NAME/ folder

    [add] .tpl file
    (+) product-item-owl.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/owl_carousel_config.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/products_owl.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_advancetab_owl.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_carousel_owl.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_categoriestabs_owl.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_customercarousel_owl.tpl
    (+) modules/leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_producttabs_owl.tpl

    [Modified] .tpl file
    (#) authentication.tpl
    (#) breadcrumb.tpl
    (#) category.tpl
    (#) contact-form.tpl
    (#) discount.tpl
    (#) footer.tpl
    (#) global.tpl
    (#) header.tpl
    (#) identity.tpl
    (#) manufacturer-list.tpl
    (#) order-address.tpl
    (#) order-address-multishipping.tpl
    (#) order-carrier.tpl
    (#) order-detail.tpl
    (#) order-opc-new-account.tpl
    (#) order-payment.tpl
    (#) order-steps.tpl
    (#) pagination.tpl
    (#) product.tpl
    (#) search.tpl
    (#) shopping-cart.tpl
    (#) shopping-cart-product-line.tpl
    (#) supplier-list.tpl

    (#) modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl
    (#) modules/blockcategories/category-tree-branch.tpl
    (#) modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.tpl
    (#) modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.tpl
    (#) modules/blocksearch/blocksearch-top.tpl
    (#) modules/leobootstrapmenu/views/widgets/widget_product.tpl
    (#) modules/leobootstrapmenu/views/widgets/widget_products.tpl

    [Modified] .js file
    (#) js/authentication.js
    (#) js/cart-summary.js
    (#) js/category.js
    (#) js/global.js
    (#) js/order-address.js
    (#) js/order-opc.js
    (#) js/product.js
    (#) js/products-comparison.js
    (#) js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js
    (#) js/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.js

    [Modified] .css file
    (#) css/global.css

    2) in root/modules/ folder

    [add] file in leomanagewidgets module
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/chili.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/cmxform.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/cmxformTemplate.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/core.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/jquery.validate.js
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/jquery.validate.min.js
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/reset.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/screen.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/jquery-validation-1.9.0/screen_1.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/AjaxLoader.gif
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/grabbing.png
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.min.js
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/owl.theme.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/assets/owl-carousel/owl.transitions.css
    (+) leomanagewidgets/classes/LeomanagewidgetsHelper.php
    (+) leomanagewidgets/classes/LeomanagewidgetsOwlCarousel.php
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/owl_carousel_config.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/products_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_advancetab_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_carousel_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_categoriestabs_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_customercarousel_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_manucarousel_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_producttabs_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_recentcarousel_owl.tpl
    (+) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_specialproduct_owl.tpl

    [Modified] file in leomanagewidgets module
    (#) leomanagewidgets/assets/admin/show.js
    (#) leomanagewidgets/classes/widgetbase.php
    (#) leomanagewidgets/controllers/admin/AdminLeomanagewidgetsWidgets.php
    (#) leomanagewidgets/leomanagewidgets.php
    (#) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_customercarousel.tpl
    (#) leomanagewidgets/views/widgets/widget_manucarousel.tpl

    [Modified] file in leotempcp module
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/advancetab.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/carousel.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/categoriestabs.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/customercarousel.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/manucarousel.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/manufacture.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/producttabs.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/recentcarousel.php
    (#) leotempcp/classes/widget/specialcarousel.php
    (#) leotempcp/controllers/admin/AdminLeotempcpWidgets.php
    (#) leotempcp/leotempcp.php
    (#) leotempcp/libs/DataSample.php

    Date: Saturday, February 14, 2015

    Fix bug CSS responsive on mobile




    (#) cssmodulesleomanagewidgetsassetsstyles.css
    (#) csscomparator.css
    (#) cssglobal.css
    (#) cssproduct.css
    (#) cssresponsive.css

    (#) jsautoload10-bootstrap.min.js
    (#) jsmodulesblockcartajax-cart.js
    (#) jsmodulesblocklayeredblocklayered.js
    (#) jsmodulesblocksearchblocksearch.js
    (#) jsmodulescrosssellingjscrossselling.js
    (#) jsmoduleshomesliderjshomeslider.js
    (#) jsmodulesloyaltyjsloyalty.js
    (#) jscart-summary.js
    (#) jscontact-form.js
    (#) jsorder-address.js
    (#) jsproduct.js

    (#) modulesblockuserinfonav.tpl

    (#) subproductproduct-list-form.tpl
    (#) subproduct_infotab.tpl

    (#) address.tpl
    (#) addresses.tpl
    (#) authentication.tpl
    (#) category.tpl
    (#) contact-form.tpl
    (#) errors.tpl
    (#) header.tpl
    (#) identity.tpl
    (#) maintenance.tpl
    (#) manufacturer-list.tpl
    (#) my-account.tpl
    (#) order-address.tpl
    (#) order-carrier.tpl
    (#) order-detail.tpl
    (#) order-opc-new-account.tpl
    (#) order-payment.tpl
    (#) pagination.tpl
    (#) product.tpl
    (#) products-comparison.tpl
    (#) product-sort.tpl
    (#) shopping-cart.tpl
    (#) shopping-cart-product-line.tpl
    (#) sitemap.tpl
    (#) supplier-list.tpl


    DOWNLOAD Leo Fashion Store PrestaShop Theme 1.6 & 1.7 for Multipurposes Download

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