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ABOUT Gusto – Recipe Management System
is a powerful platform to manage recipes for food specific websites.
It comes with a plethora of features that make managing the system super easy.
Users can register accounts and create their own recipes or you can use the application to manage your own and share them with your friends.
The web application is a great way to build your website, very simple to install and customize and we offer great support, That don’t require and experience on web development.
Take a look at this wonderful script and you will be impressed even more! Enjoy!
Website Demo link:
Admin Panel Demo link:
Login Details for regular member / admin :
Password: 123456
Security- Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
- Built on powerful CodeIgniter Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.
- Passwords are encrypted using PHPass library to make sure your data is safe.
User & Registration System- Users can register for an account using the quick and easy register Popup.
- Login System comes with a Forgotten Password, to allow users to reset their password via email.
Recipe Builder- Members / Admin add unlimited recipes.
- Add recipe category, descriptions, Ingredients , video, unlimited multi upload images, featured image, cooking time, people serves, and more …..
- SEO optimized for recipes using meta keywords and meta tags.
- Allow anyone to share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..)
- Comments and react on it using Disqus.
Members- Any register user can login/ forget password.
- Having awesome profile include member information and his recipes.
- Mange or update his information in profile settings (country, name, username, gender, user profile, …).
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) recipe with more details(featured image, multi upload unlimited images for recipes, description, video,Ingredients, an more amazing details.. ).
- Comment on other user recipes.
- Search on website with category or recipe name.
- Share recipe on social media (Facebook, twitter, google+, ..).
- See other other members profile.
- Can follow the new recipes added by register on website subscribe form.
- Read, share, and comment (with facebook plugin) on blog posts.
- Contact with support using contact form and contact information.
Admin Panel- Flexible control panel system with full options.
- Only admin role can login admin panel.
- Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, timezone, site description,…).
- Change website SEO settings (meta keywords, meta description).
- Change Contact information (email, phone,…).
- Unlimited slides images related to the recipe.
- Change social media pages.
- Manage Members (Edit, Delete, Add and view member information) and change their member role (Regular member, admin).
- Manage recipe categories (add, edit, delete, view).
- Mange recipes (Add, Edit, Delete, and approve member recipe).
- Approve member recipes to appear on website.
- Can able/ disable recipe appearing.
- Mange topics (add, edit, delete, view).
- Admin can set topics as public/private/registered users.
- Manage ADS and select its location dynamically otherwise google ads or custom ads images on website.
- Can view/ delete users subscribed.
- Manage sliders that appears on website (add, edit, delete, view).
- Totally with this admin panel can manage and control every thing appear in website with full option.
- Google Anaytics tracking.
- Google Recaptcha.
- Admin can view/delete/export newsletters emails.
Trendy website interface included.- Home page with
- Dynamic slider images.
- Widgets for popular recipes, popular authors, counter of pages of social media and simple search
- latest recipes added
- Ajax Subscribe form
- Single page for recipes category included its category and advanced search.
- Single awesome page for recipes included plethora details.
- User Profile included all details about author and his recipes.
- Tips and tricks page include admin posts
- single page for trip and trick.
- Contact form with recaptcha to make your client reach you easily.
- Login/ register/ forget password modal.
- Amazing Dashboard for register user include setting page, user recipes and page for managing recipe.
- Home page with
Other Features- Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
- Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
- Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
- Clean Code with hight performance.
- Easy Customization
- Friendly with SEO.
- High performance.
- More features will coming up.
- Backend Framework: Built on CodeIgniter
- Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4
- Requires PHP >= 7.2
- Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
- Supports SMTP Email, PHP Mail()
- Code Editing Software (eg: Dreamweaver, Sublime Text or Notepad
- Web Browser for testing (eg: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox)
- FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla).
- Read documentation carefully to guide you how to install application.
Version 3.2.1 Released (23 December 2019):
1- Improve website design.
Version 3.2 Released (1 October 2019):
1- Admin can set topics (Tips & Tricks) as Public, Private and registered users.
2- Adding tags option to Topic(Tips & Tricks).
3- Admin can export list of newsletters emails.
4- Recaptcha for contact us form.
Version 3.1 Released (21 August 2019):
1- Adding Google Analytics.
2- Fixed style issues in mobile.
Version 3.0 Released (10 June 2019):
<b>New Features:</b>
1- Translation Option, We adding (English and Arabic) Language.
2- Supported RTL, You can choose direction (RTL Or LTR)from admin panel to display the direction of website based on your language.
3- Created Pages module (Create unlimited page ex. about us, terms & condition, privacy,..).
4- adding disqus username from admin panel also you can control displaying comments.
5- Adding meta twitter and og.
1- Remove meta keywords from table, It's not become useful for SEO.
2- Adding created time for newsletters.
3- Adding more social media and removing google plus.
4- Changing datatype of calories and serves.
5- Fixing design issue.
6- Adding Contact Email that received the contact us messages.
<b>Note: Read Documentation carefully to guide you how to update database.</b>
Version 2.2:
1- New Feature: Custom Print Option for recipe.
Version 2.1:
1- Advertisements widgets for tricks page, single trick page and recipe page, <strong>You need to run queries that is written in documentation </strong>
2- Latest tricks and most visited tricks widgets for trick page.
3- adding text editor for tricks module.
4- Using <strong>DISQUS</strong> to comment and react for trick post and recipe.
Version 2.0:
1- Delete Confirmation for each module records.
2- Dynamic SMTP User for forget password email.
--You can check documentation to show how to install it.
Version 1.5.1:
1- Fixing Security Bug at Ads module.
Version 1.5:
1- Fixing Bug at Ads.
Version 1.4:
1- Update UX for home page.
2- Add advanced search for home page.
Version 1.3:
- Email Template for forget password
Version 1.2:
- SSL Supported (Read documentation to guide you or contact to our support)
Version 1.1
1- Pagination in admin panel modules.
2- Filter for appearance table of users that having 2 pages for admins and normal users in admin panel.
3- Admin/ normal user can set their email appear in their profile.
Run this Query in your phpMyadmin
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `email_appear` TINYINT(1) NULL;
Version 1.0:
- Initial Version
– If you have any questions or need help don’t hesitate to contact us via our profile page or support page.
This article explain the difference between gusto management and i-chef recipes script
Best Regards, Marwa El-Manawy
DOWNLOAD Gusto - Recipes Management System Download
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