Sunday, January 19, 2020

nulled Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API Download

Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API - 1

Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API - 2



Envato Castle is a Smart Keygate Solution WordPress plugin for Envato’s Authors, helping you to create your own support forum using bbPress WordPress plugin, Verify and collect your buyers and their licenses, Organize the bbPress forums to be accessed by the Verified Buyers Only as well as prevent buyers from using any forum belongs to NON-Purchased items and protect your projects against anonymous use by sending a custom array (Which Could be a list of Plugins or any other Custom Array) from your (Envato’s Author) website to your clients websites using another unique & prefixed lightweight plugin called Envato Castle (Client) plugin which you should integrate into your Envato’s WordPress projects, This plugin will connect your Envato Castle (Server) Securely via WordPress REST API after some of aggressive Validations & Sanitizations processes.

Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API - 3

Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API - 4

Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API - 5

What is the Keygate mean?

The Keygate Solution is a solution to force the buyers to verify their licenses by providing the project’s purchase code in a programmatically form to verify, activate and unlock the premium features for the buyers only.

Envato’s Rules of Using Keygate Solutions

According to the Envato’s Rules, You can put the (Update Mechanism, Demo Content and Bundled Plugins) behind the keygate.

Envato Castle provides a complete Keygate solution to protect your items by forcing the buyers to verify their licenses and receive the Secret Sendback Content from your server securely via WordPress REST API and Unlock the premium features programmatically (As You Wish) from your project’s (Theme or Plugin) code

Envato Castle comply with all Envato’s Keygate Rules mentioned in the link above.

What does Envato Castle do?

Envato Castle will help you (As an Envato Author/Seller) to be able to achieve the following:

  1. Protect your projects against anonymous users whom download your projects free from NULLED websites.

  2. Verify & Collect: Verify your buyers and their licenses and collect them into your website’s database.

  3. Community: Make your own support forum to make your own buyers community.

  4. Flexibility: Styling your own website with any bbPress theme and use any compatible plugins.

  5. Organize your support forum to be effective.

  6. Organizing: Prevent NON-Buyers and even the Buyers from posting their issues in any forum except the purchased items’ forums only.

  7. Team Members: Notify bbPress Moderators (Your Support Team Members) if the topic is being display by another Moderator.

  8. Frontend: Envato Castle comes with useful Frontend pages to help your clients to authenticate and verify their purchased licenses from your forum website.

  9. Use Google recaptcha in the Envato Castle’s Frontend pages to prevent them against spam.

  10. bbPress Editor: Modify the default bbPress Text Editor with the modern one TinyMCE editor built-in the WordPress Core.

  11. Check your clients’ server information that they have sent using your Prefixed Envato Castle (Client) Plugin, Which we will explain later.

As well as a lot of features with extremely easy steps for You and Your Clients.

How the Envato Castle Works?

  1. Envato Castle has its own (Custom Post Types) CPTs, Which allowing you to add your sellers accounts and the projects of each seller and select bbPress forum that will serve that project.
    • Sellers: Add your Envato’s Sellers Accounts.

    • Items: Add each seller’s projects and assign each project with its bbPress forum.

    • Item Secret Content: Which is a repeater to be send to your clients whom succeed to verify their licenses securely via WordPress REST API.

  2. For WordPress Projects:
    • Envato Castle has another lightweight plugin prefixed (With Your Author Name) to be integrated into your WordPress projects (Themes or Plugins) to force your buyers to activate their licenses through it via WordPress REST API, Behind the scenes we will download our Blueprint plugin from our server then customize and modify its code with your Seller’s username then you will be able to download and use it.

    • Finally, You JUST need to Download and include your prefixed plugin into your project using the TGM Plugin Activation and your clients will be notified with a friendly and a stylish notification with just two steps to Authenticate their Envato’s buyer account then Verify and Activate the project’s license, Then you will be able to view all of your clients in the User and Licenses CPTs.

    • The buyers will receive the Sendback Content array has been added in the CPT: Item Secret Content to Unlock the premium features programmatically through your project’s code (That You had write as you wish).

  3. For Non-WordPress Projects
    • Envato Castle (Server) comes with Stylish Frontend pages to help your clients to Authenticate their buyer accounts and Verify their purchased licenses from your Support forum frontend.

    • The frontend pages helping NON-WordPress projects’ buyers to verify their licenses to be able to submit support tickets in the correct forum.

  4. To Submit a Support Ticket
    • Your clients Must Register in your website with any email (Because it isn’t legal to force them to register with Envato’s Email).

    • They have to use the Envato Castle’s Frontend pages included in your website to Authenticate the Envato’s buyer account and link it with the registered username.

    • Finally, From Verify User Licenses frontend page they will be able to verify all items licenses done from your Envato’s Store (Only).

    • Now, They will be able to submit support tickets into the forums belongs to their purchased projects (Only).

We Are Professionals and We Take Care of You

All of the previous operations done securely via WordPress REST API with a lot of aggressive Validation and Sanitization processes using the WordPress sanitization functions to be 100% sure that your Database is Secure.

What is the benefit of using bbPress?

  1. Use the most secured forum that the WordPress itself use as its forum.

  2. Design your own support forum with any bbPress theme.

  3. Use any helper compatible plugins with no conflict with Envato Castle WordPress Plugin

Features List

Make Your Own Community

Make your own buyers community by forcing them to verify their purchased licenses to be able to submit support tickets into your forum, And from your website’s backend you will be able to view their information details.

Use Any bbPress Theme

Design your own support forum with any bbPress theme, Use any helper compatible plugins with no conflict with Envato Castle WordPress Plugin.

Protect Your WP Projects

Protect your WordPress projects whether a Theme or Plugin form being used by anonymous users by activating the buyers’ licenses and send a secret data securely via WordPress REST API.

Multiple Authors

A Unique feature in Envato Castle, That you can add all your sellers account in your website to collect all buyers in one place organized very well per seller account.

Unlimited Team Members

Add your own team members without limitations, The team members will be able to solve to the clients issues access and check their host information from Licenses CPT.

Pay As You Go

Instead of paying monthly fees even if you didn’t developed new projects, Pay as you go one time for Frontend verification or for WordPress project you need to protect.

Lock Fourms

Envato Castle will organize your bbPress forums very well so the clients will not be able to submit tickets or even pass to the forum unless they purchased that item and lock other forums which they’re not purchased.

Stylish Frontend Pages

A Stylish well-designed Frontend pages for your clients to be able to verify their purchased items by a click, You can use your own style by filter the CSS files used, As well as the Google Re-CAPTCHA could be added to prevent spam requests.

Check Client’s Server Info

Envato Castle Client Plugin which you will integrate into your WordPress project has a great feature allowing your clients to send their Host Information via REST API securely to check it out and discover any issue in the host’s attributes, Then inform him in the topic’s reply.

Modify the bbPress default Editor

Envato Castle has an option to switch the default bbPress text editor into the WordPress TinyMCE rich editor to be easy to write topics for your clients and your team.



DOWNLOAD Envato Castle - Smart Keygate Solution for bbPress to Verify and Collect Buyers via WP REST API Download

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