Tuesday, April 28, 2020

nulled Kurt - Ajax Portfolio Template Download

Kurt – is Professional, Clean, Creative eye-catching Ajax Portfolio Template for Agencies and Freelancers. Kurt have smooth AJAX pages transitions and modern Web Gl slider. Kurt is great for showcasing your portfolio.

All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize.


  • Html5 & Css3

  • Clean And Creative Design

  • Based on Latest Bootstrap Version

  • Ajax Based Page Transitions

  • 100% Responsive

  • Canvas Based Slider made using Pixi.js

  • Animation Based on TweenMax(GSAP)

  • Smooth Scrolling

  • Full Screen Overlay Menu

  • Fast Loading Speed

  • Well documented codes

  • Fully Customizable

  • Google Fonts

  • Google Map Ready

  • Font Icons

  • Cross Browser

  • Regular Updates

  • 24/7 Support

  • Detail Documentation Included

  • And more…

What do you get?

  • Html content

  • Documentation

Source & Credits

  • jQuery

  • Bootstrap 4

  • FontAwesome 5

  • ET-LINE Icons

  • Owl Carousal 2

  • Pixi Js

  • Magnific Popup

  • TweenMax

  • Splitting Js

  • Smooth Scrollbar


  • Poppins



  • This Template is based on ajax and pixi.js slider so web server is required to run this template.

  • This is a HTML template. Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle. All images are replaced with placeholder.



DOWNLOAD Kurt - Ajax Portfolio Template Download

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