Friday, August 7, 2020

nulled WP Footprint Download

WP Footprint is a WordPress and WooCommerce plugin that tracks the movements of your visitor so that you can figure out the behavior of your users and make the proper decisions based on data. You can use this information to reward loyal customers, provide discounts if they visit your site regularly, etc.


  1. Tracks the user movement based on IP and user agents.

  2. All information can be accessed and controlled from the dashboard.

  3. Captures and aggregates search results.

  4. Last login time and IP of the user.

  5. View, download and erase user activity profile.

  6. Dashboard to showcase your data in clear way.

    1. Performance in the last 30 days.

    2. Top registered users this month. You can send them coupons or gift cards as a token of appreciation.

    3. Smartly shows if there is frequent visit from a particular IP and if there is a possibility of turning

      them to a customer.

    4. Shows aggregate of movements from cart to checkout page per day.

    5. Top 10 Products.

    6. Average time spent on product page.

    7. Top search keywords.

    8. and many more…


Username: demo
Password: okywAwjW7ot)wJ59NU&9eK!k

Performance Dashboard


How is your business performing? This is a crucial piece of information and the best way to measure is by tracking the effectiveness with the insights on what points are weak and what needs improvement.

This chart shows you a graphical representation of your monthly data based on how many product pages were viewed, how long did a visitor spend time on your site and how many visitors ended up in the checkout page after adding products to their carts.

Recurring Guest Visitors

recurring guest visitors

Visitors from the top 7 IP addresses are displayed in this list. The total number of movements per IP address, the date when the visitor was last active on the site, a probability score to purchase, and the score of the customer is shown in this list.

You can click on the given link of the visitor to check if the user is a registered user on the WP-Users menu. This helps you to identify which user has the highest potential to purchase more products from you.

Top Registered Users of a Month

top registered users of a month

One thing is for sure, if you have a few satisfied customers on your site, they will come back to purchase more products from you.

Taking a look at who your top users are and what value they have spent on your site is not just interesting but also valuable. However, just letting them wander around your site like other visitors is not what you would want to do.

WP FootPrint plugin dashboard dashboard will help you identify them but it is up to you how you will nurture them.

Top Products

top products

While running a business, if you stock products that are not likely to sell it is a blunder. And if you don’t stock those that have a high selling potential, that’s a mistake of equal magnitude. But how do you find which are the top products?

This chart above shows you the products that you probably shouldn’t hesitate to invest on. The top 10 products of your eCommerce site is based on the visits. However, if you find that you have a product on the top 10 list but you haven’t sold any quantity of that product, you need to check that product listing on your site as well as check the competition also.

Top Searches

top searches

This chart on your visitor’s dashboard will provide you the insights on how your visitors are searching for the product and which products are they mostly searching for.

You have a direct opportunity to improve the sales of these products by applying different sales tactics like discounts, loyalty rewards, etc.

Also, if you haven’t listed the products that come up in your top 5 search keyword list, you just opened up a high selling product that you had not thought about.

User Meta

Access to last logged in date and IP of the user.

user meta

User Activity Profile

Navigate through the user journey and figure out the behavior of your users.

user activity profile



DOWNLOAD WP Footprint Download

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