Friday, October 24, 2014

Arfaly.js - Powerful & responsive multi file uploader (Loaders and Uploaders) download

focus_keyword reviews arfaly
High performance, flexible, liteweight and responsive multi-file uploader. Highly configurable with a contemporary design and native animation effects using CSS3 + HTML5.
A pre-integrated PHP file upload product!
Arfaly PHP is designed for folks who want an upload solution that can be implemented out of the box in minutes without writing infrastructure or custom code.
It also has an intelligent template that will tailor the view of the uploaded item according to the file MIME type.
Progress Bar
A fully customizable progress bar is included in UI mode. Core users can build their own with the help of a friendly API.
Drag and Drop
Drag and drop files (and even folders in Chrome and Opera) straight from your desktop.
Sometimes the network misbehaves. Fortunately, Arfaly can detect these sorts of disturbances and notify the user, or even automatically retry uploading the failed piece.
Limit your users to a specific file type, size limit, number of files, image dimensions, or write your own custom validator.
Delete Uploaded Files
Upload the wrong file? Use this feature to delete what you don’t need.
Arfaly has an integrated friendly mobile user interface, which allow users to upload files from their mobiles.

Work beautifully for:

Constant feature addon
Our team is dedicated to continuesely improve and expand this plugin capability to the fullest, by adding cloud and social media feature intefration in the near future.
Version Updates:
Update Version: 1.0
Initial release (Read docs for more detailed information)
Update Vesrion: 1.2
Add disablePostProgressAnimation option to disable progress animation after upload is been completed.

Add timestamp to files before saving to avoid file replacement.

Increase performance.
Update Version: 1.3
Minor bugs for iOS devices support.

Refining CSS file

Emulate hover effect for mobile devices

Fixing the delete functionality after adding timestamp to saved files

Stop progress bar animation once the uploading finishes is been enabled by default.
Update Version: 1.4
Added three new options
debug: Enable debugging will allow the plugin to print out log inside targetOutput element.
limitNumberofFiles: Limit how many files should be uploaded on each single session.
targetOutput: Define where the plugin log should be printed
Fix concurrent upload problem by adding a random string to the stored file name.

Fix tolower issue for extensions and MIME’s.

Increase performance and adding other bug fixes.

Fixed iOS 7&8 problem during uploading

Update documentation.
focus_keyword supportus
DownloadRegister and download

DOWNLOAD Arfaly.js - Powerful & responsive multi file uploader (Loaders and Uploaders)

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