Tuesday, October 28, 2014

WordPress Theme Options - Modular and Responsive (Miscellaneous) download

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About WP Theme Options
WP Theme Options it’s an Option Panel Framework for WordPress, powered by FuseCoders, a small group of young Portuguese entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads.
Currently we have all our projects and clients projects with WordPress, we already developed dozens of Themes. In the past one thing that were always annoying for us, was Option Panels, before we created this product we had 2 options:
Use Theme Options made by others, they were hard to extend and some had a lot of bugs

Create a custom Theme Options for each project
So we thought… Why don’t create a Modular and Powerful Theme Options for us and share for a low price with other people?
And here it is! Now we don’t have to spend days developing and designing Theme Options for each projects we do, we believe that WP Theme Options is the best solution for you too!
Still wasting your time? You can configure it in just 5 minutes!

Anthony Vendeirinho & Tiago Martins – FuseCoders Team
Versions and Updates
Version 1.0 – 25th Oct’14
LAUNCH: Initial Release
DownloadRegister and download

DOWNLOAD WordPress Theme Options - Modular and Responsive (Miscellaneous)

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