Sunday, November 30, 2014

Presta Protect Captcha + (Prestashop) download

Tired of the use captchas that no human can read? PrestaProtect allow you to put a nice captcha in any formulary of your website, and protect your tpl files.
The goal of the Captcha is that you can configure where the captcha must show (login formulary, contact formulary, etc), and the module add the jQuery code to show the captcha. The best part, is that the module dont need to modify any tpl of your template to work.
The module let you to configure the colors, animation, size, shadows, and more things of the captcha .
Plus, the module includes more options to protect your site:
Hotlink: This option disable the view of your images from other sites. This means that nobody can link your images directly, and you save bandwidth and avoid people to use your images directly.
Disable right clic and selection: This simply disable the right clic and mouse selection to avoid copy your text directly
Tpl protection: This option change your tpl file permissions to avoid download directly (this issue is solved on PS 1.5+)
Disable clipboard: This simply shows a white screen when somebody try to capture the page with PrintScreen key


  • Slide captcha

  • Easy to use

  • Fully configurable

  • Protection of tpl / code

  • Use in multiple forms

  • Cross browser

focus_keyword browsers
  • Multilingual

focus_keyword multilingual
  • Multistore

focus_keyword multistore

Important: Like This Post to show Download link!

DOWNLOAD Presta Protect Captcha + (Prestashop)

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