Saturday, November 29, 2014

Type - A clean, flexible Ghost Theme (Ghost Themes) download

Type is a beautiful, bold Ghost blog theme. It features big visuals and enough flexibility to fit every need, every style.

We Love Flexibility

A flexible, customizable Ghost theme focus_keyword tf box type archives
Your archives are not limited to lists or grid display. We’ve included 4 display types that you can use on a per-archive-type basis: lists, lists with sidebar, 2 column and 3 column grids! Find your favorite!

Photos are Essential to Blogs

Stylish Photos focus_keyword tf box type photos
Adding full-width, left and right floated images is a breeze. You can even turn them to black and white if you want.

Content is King

Beautiful Content focus_keyword tf box type typography
You can easily add full-width or left and right pull quotes in Type. And they look absolutely gorgeous!

Headings, lists, quotes, code, beautiful typography? We took care of them all.

Easy Comments with Disqus

Disqus Comments focus_keyword tf box disqus
Disqus is free to use and works with virtually any type of website and you can easily import all your existing comments. Disqus is the web’s favorite discussion system. Every feature is crafted to enable great online communities.
As Ghost grows, so will Type. We’re dedicated to keeping our Ghost themes up to date.

Important: Like This Post to show Download link!

DOWNLOAD Type - A clean, flexible Ghost Theme (Ghost Themes)

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