Friday, July 26, 2019

nulled 15Zine - HD Magazine / Newspaper WordPress Theme Download


15Zine - HD Magazine / Newspaper WordPress Theme - 115Zine - HD Magazine / Newspaper WordPress Theme - 2

Real sites that use 15Zine Magazine Theme 2019

Yury –

Puske –

GameSnack –

The Fresh Committee –

Noisetrend –

Jogazera –

Let’s Review Plugin Demo Site – Let’s Review | WordPress Review plugin

Finest Automotive –

15zine is the ultimate WordPress magazine theme\15Zine parallax featured imageWordPress newspaper theme15Zine documentation screenshotShowing what an easy theme it is to use\15Zine has infinite post load functionality\15Zine documentation screenshot15Zine live ajax search feature15Zine category and tag optionsReview theme\\

15Zine WordPress Magazine / Newspaper theme for 2017

15Zine is a cutting edge WordPress magazine theme created for 2017 and beyond. 15Zine is a ridiculously versatile WordPress Newspaper theme out of the box with an integrated review system with unlimited criterias/pros/cons making it a powerful review theme – For the homepage, you can use 15zine’s exclusive and powerful homepage drag and drop builder to create modern and layouts. Posts can become beautiful stories, by using 15Zine’s powerful and featured image style system with multiple feature image styles, including a smooth parallax one. You can also use 15Zine as a powerful review theme for your site. 15Zine also comes with deep compatibility and styling for WooCommerce and bbPress. You can also turn your regular image embeds into full-screen image embeds, all done with no shortcodes or code required! Just some 15Zine magic \)” title=” :)” />

On top of that, you can use 15Zine’s exclusive Trending megamenu option to showcase your most popular posts of the moment/week/month and find countless thoughtful options sprinkled throughout the theme, including the ability to turn off the header area inside a post to maximize your chosen featured image style output or beautiful gallery post type. This isn’t 1998 any more, modernize your website and make it look like it belongs in 2017.

Oh and this was all created by an established Elite author with an author rating of 4.83 stars out of 5 stars from 1000+ customer ratings. So you know you are getting quality code and functionality.

15Zine - HD Magazine / Newspaper WordPress Theme - 315Zine - HD Magazine / Newspaper WordPress Theme - 4

15zine options15Zine pagebuilder video15zine features to create modern magazine15Zine featured image styles video15zine review theme

Homepage Features

  • Build your own homepage using the powerful and exclusive 15Zine homepage drag and drop builder (no shortcodes or code required! Horrah to that)

  • 4 different modern grid modules (3, 4 & 5 articles), 4 different slider options (1 image per slide, 1 image per slide and full-screen width, 2 images per slider, 3 images per slide) and a grid/slider hybrid (3 posts per slide) to show your posts in a modern way.

  • Full-width slider to show featured or latest posts.

  • Custom Background Images or colors

  • Custom general colors (Menu hover colors, review boxes, etc)

  • 9 very different blog style options for homepages that show the latest posts:

  • Infinite Scroll Options: All blog styles can use “Normal pagination / Infinite Scroll / Infinite Scroll with Load More Button”

  • Review Theme options

    • The review system comes with three different styles: Stars, Percent or points

    • Option to include a score subtitle to appear under the final score

    • Unlimited number of Criterias

    • Unlimited number of pros and cons

    • Option to turn on/off user ratings (user reviews) – Note: When a user leaves a rating, a cookie is left on the visitor’s computer with a value of “1”, which means the user voted on that post, this is so users can’t vote on the same post twice

    • Option to make review editor only/visitors only/both visitors and editor review

    Post Features

    • Give the featured image inside each post a photo/video credit line to credit sources

    • Co-author Plus compatibility! With 15Zine, your posts will show all authors in the byline (if enabled)

    • Optional dropcap on/off option

    • Fully integrated review / rating system

    • Option to make image embeds full-screen width

    • Sidebar can be left/right/off

    • Option to select to use any sidebar

    • Each post can use its own set of fonts for the article. Useful for special articles that need a particular font style

    • Post Format: Gallery Post type lets you create a gallery and create a full-screen gallery. Both landscape and portrait images work beautifully, no cropping!

    • Post Format: Video (Able to embed YouTube / Vimeo / Kickstarter / Viddler videos) and appearing in a overlay of the featured image

    • Post Format: Video Option to replace featured image with video, or make video appear when user clicks the play button that is overlaid on top of the featured image

    • Post Format: Audio Option to replace featured image with audio embed, or make audio appear when user clicks the play button that is overlaid on top of the featured image

    • Post Format: Audio Able to embed Soundcloud or upload self-hosted mp3 using HTML5’s audio (You can upload a .mp3, .ogg or both)

    • Upload custom background image

    • Multiple shortcodes available for articles: buttons, highlight text, toggle (Faqs), alert boxes, columns, divider and tabs.

    • Choose from seven featured Image styles: Standard, Standard no-crop, Full-width, Screen-width, Full-screen, Parallax or Slideshow

    • Set the background to any color

    • Set background image to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat

    Category Features

    • Show posts in different styles (choice of 9 blog styles)

    • 4 different modern grid modules (3, 4 & 5 articles), 4 different slider options (1 image per slide, 1 image per slide and full-screen width, 2 images per slider, 3 images per slide) and a grid/slider hybrid (3 posts per slide) to show your posts in a modern way.

    • Upload custom backgrounds

    • Set the background to any color

    • Set background to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat

    • Set general color for category using a color picker (for menu hovers, review boxes, etc)

    • Option to use a sidebar

    Page Features

    • Custom Sidebar or select from existing sidebar

    • Upload custom background

    • Choose from seven featured Image styles: Standard, Standard no-crop, Full-width, Screen-width, Full-screen, Parallax or Slideshow

    • Set the background to any color

    • Set background image to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat

    • Set general color for page using a color picker (for menu hovers, borders, etc)

    Page Templates Included

    WooCommerce Compatibility

    Since v1.2, 15Zine is 100% compatible with WooCommerce and allows it to integrate seamlessly with the theme. Some highlights:

    • Full re-design and integration of WooCommerce to match the look and feel of the theme

    • WooCommerce options tab added to theme options with options, including:
      • left sidebar/right sidebar/no sidebar (full-width WooCommerce)

      • Background image/color for WooCommerce pages

    • Unique sidebar for WooCommerce in “Appearance -> Widgets”

    bbPress Compatibility

    Some highlights:

    • Login With Ajax modals/widgets integrate seamlessly with bbPress, and if bbPress is installed, Login With Ajax will show logged in users multiple of their own quicklinks (profile, logout, subscriptions, favorites, replies) so users will never need to use or see the WordPress backend.

    • bbPress tab added to theme options with several options, including:
      • bbPress global color (similar to category global color)

      • left sidebar/right sidebar/no sidebar (full-width forums)

      • Background image for bbPress pages

      • Background color for bbPress pages

      • Change the background color of the sticky posts

    • Sidebar for bbPress in “Appearance -> Widgets”

    Widgets Included

    • 15Zine Social Media Icons Widget

    • 15Zine Top Reviews Widget (Can be set to show top/latest/oldest X reviews from a category/global + Filter (All time/Last Month/Last 7 days/Only 2011/Only 2012/Only 2013)

    • 15Zine Latest Posts With Thumbnails (Big/Small image style) Widget

    • 15Zine Popular Posts With Thumbnails (Big/Small image style) Widget, can be set to show most popular by comments/views

    • 15Zine Facebook Like Box Widget

    • 15Zine 125px x 125px ads Widget

    • 15Zine Multi-Widget (Show multiple widgets in one)

    • 15Zine Google+ Follow Badge Widget

    • 15Zine Latest Posts Slider Widget

    • 15Zine Retina Image Widget

    Child Theme Compatible

    • 15Zine is 100% child-theme compatible and comes with a child-theme already set up for immediate use and customizations. Nice little time saver, huh?

    General Features

    • Ultra clean and minimalist design, perfect for newspaper, reviews and modern websites

    • Breadcrumbs

    • Trending megamenu option (Needs and uses the accurate stats from Jetpack’s stats module)

    • Post view count (Needs and uses the accurate stats from Jetpack’s stats module)

    • Clean, ultra modern and dynamic design for a professional and engaging visitor experience

    • Retina Ready (HD)

    • RTL & WPML ready

    • Sticky sidebar

    • Every major element can be Boxed Or Full-Width Option (Top menu, Header area, Navigation menu, Sticky menu and Footer)

    • Mega menu system

    • Trending mega menu system

    • Login With Ajax Integrated

    • Homepage drag and drop builder

    • Integrated “to top” button with option to turn on/off

    • Access to the 600+ fonts from + drop-down menus with recommended fonts (hand-picked for their quality).

    • Option to turn off About The Author box in admin theme options

    • Option to turn off Lightbox in admin theme options

    • Option to turn off “Next/Previous” box in admin theme options

    • Option to turn off “By Line” in admin theme options (“By x on 01/01/2013 in Category” This appears in posts/modules/blog styles).

    • Four custom menu locations (Main, Mobile devices main, secondary and footer)

    • Secondary menu navigation has drop down capabilities

    • Custom Sidebars for category and pages

    • Extensive documentation. Can also be seen online.

    • Integrated related posts with images that can be turned on/off from within the theme options

    • Sample Dummy Content XML file included (Note: does not include images from the demo, all images are replaced with a dummy placeholder image)

    • Schema Rich Snippet Microdata

    • Fully Responsive design

    • Simple and powerful Theme Options framework built-in

    • Very sleek Lightbox integrated

    • Custom Logo Upload

    • Custom Favicon Upload

    • Custom footer copyright

    • Custom CSS section (Best practice to avoid losing CSS changes on theme updates)

    • In-built pagination

    • Indented threaded comments

    • SEO-Ready – Everything is set as it should be. For example: Only one H1 per page and wrapped around the post title (NOT the logo – which is terrible SEO), images pull the alt text data, relevant Meta schema data, etc

    • Translation Ready with .mo/.po files included (Spanish already translated and included and more will come in future updates)

    • Designed with valid HTML5 + CCS3 code

    • Extensively tested with all major browsers and versions, including IE9

    • Multiple shortcodes included integrated straight into the TinyMCE (no more having to remember complicated code)

    • Option of 468×60 Banner, 728×90 Banner or no banner at all next to logo

    • Exclusive support system

    A modern newspaper and reviews theme for 2016 15Zine really is the ultimate magazine theme for 2016 and beyond. Get on-board!

    For all theme customizations (i.e. add or change the theme’s code to make it do something it doesn’t do or add specific functionality) you will need to hire a developer to help you out. It is recommended to look for one on as that site is run by the same people who run Themeforest.

    Suggestions for future updates?

    If you have a suggestion that you think would improve the theme, please leave a comment with the details and it will be considered.

    Images Used In Demo

    Big thanks to the lovely Scatter Jar people for sharing such beautiful free food photographs, keep it up guys!

    However, all the images used on the demo website are only for demonstration purposes only. Some of the images used are also from and licenses to use them were purchased. The copyrights of all images belong to the creators of the images. None of these images are included with the theme nor are they available to import with the dummy XML file.

    The background of the shop section of the theme was created by the very talented Adrien & Clotilde from

    Update History

    17 May 2017 – 15Zine v3.2.2

    FIXED: Images not opening in lightbox

    27 April 2017 – 15Zine v3.2.1

    ADDED: Swedish translation - Thanks Daniel <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" />
    FIXED: Missing bit of code for Let's Review API integration (affected 15zine review homepage modules)
    FIXED: Outdated schema (missing udpated/entry-title)

    10 April 2017 – 15Zine v3.2

    ADDED: Compatibility for WooCommerce 3.0 + styling for new features
    ADDED: YouTube/Snapchat/Tumblr to top menu icons options
    UPDATED: Let's Review API integration has been upgraded to the plugin's v2 API (Quick note: Let's Review is sold separately to 15Zine)
    IMPROVED: Full-screen slider image alignment for some sized images
    IMPROVED: The "show Read more after excerpts" option now also applies to manually created excerpts in posts.
    IMPROVED: Styling of "my account" WooCommerce page
    FIX: When using the unresponsive version, the meta for mobiles was incorrect
    FIX: Schema improvement
    FIX: Missing avatar when avatar option enabled
    FIX: Very obscure bug with sidebar when an author ONLY used Facebook/Google+ networks combination
    FIX: BuddyPress group cover image issue
    FIX: BuddyPress with dark skin invisible title in some pages

    17 September 2016 – 15Zine v3.1.2

    BUGFIX: Show by line meta on posts if option enabled with override.
    BUGFIX: Buddypress Cover update

    07 September 2016 – 15Zine v3.1.1

    BUGFIX: Missing fonts in zip
    BUGFIX: Zip file wasn't extracting for some mac users

    05 September 2016 – 15Zine v3.1.0

    ADDED: Facebook option for authors
    ADDED: New module F to Sections A and C
    ADDED: Reading time in minutes option for byline in Theme Options -> Extras (Under byline option)
    ADDED: Option for minified theme CSS in Theme Options -> Extras
    IMPROVED: Custom posts with post formats enabled can now use post format options
    IMPROVED: Homepages built with the homepage builder that use the latest posts section, can now select the sidebar for it (in 15Zine page options -> Sidebar options -> Custom Sidebar for page)
    IMPROVED: Main menu items with no dropdown now trigger on first tap on tablets
    IMPROVED: Some subtle styling
    IMPROVED: Title location bottom for some cases
    BUGFIX: Date archives now show correctly in breadcrumbs
    BUGFIX: bbPress sidebar location
    BUGFIX: Sticky sidebar height edgecase overlapping
    BUGFIX: When Auto load post feature is "off", the background image/color in posts with big featured image styles stopped outputting
    BUGFIX: Parallax global override edge case in auto load post
    BUGFIX: BuddyPress Cover not working properly if using child-theme
    BUGFIX: Main logo alt issue
    BUGFIX: New Credit line option reversed. On is to use theme credit line option and Off is to use image caption as the credit line.

    23 June 2016 – 15Zine v3.0.2

    NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Posts for featured images to use the native caption for credit instead of the theme's credit line option
    NEW: Remember me checkbox added to login with ajax modal
    UPDATED: Woocommerce files to latest version
    UPDATED: Ajax code to load Disqus comments count in ajax loaded content
    IMPROVED: Danish translation
    BUGFIX: When by line set to be globally off, the author name and date still outputted inside posts

    13 June 2016 – 15Zine v3.0.1

    BUGFIX: YouTube/Vimeo/Dailymotion embeds in posts loaded via autoload post feature were not responsive
    BUGFIX: Mobile menu was overlapping some times due to a mobile browser css quirk
    BUGFIX: WooCommerce shop padding on mobile
    BUGFIX: Background images/colors weren't showing on posts even when the new autoload post feature was turned off

    05 June 2016 – 15Zine v3.0

    NEW: Let's Review Plugin API integration (If you use the plugin with 15Zine, all modules/widgets/etc will automatically show review data coming from plugin). Note: Plugin not included with theme.
    NEW: Advanced 15Zine Sticky Sidebars (Scroll around the demo site to see them in action)
    NEW: All sidebars can now be sticky
    NEW: Infinite post load: Automatically load next post when approaching the end of the current post + correct Google Analytics data is tracked + browser URL automatically changes depending on post in view
    NEW: Option to rearrange Homepage Sections in 15Zine homepage builder
    NEW: Extra section for 15Zine homepage builder: Full-screen (A3): to make the most of the new rearrange feature
    NEW: Full-Screen module: Grid of 2
    NEW: Full-Screen module: Grid of 3
    NEW: Full-Screen module: Grid of 5
    NEW: Option for categories to use one of the new full-screen grids
    NEW: Title design option for grids: No title (just image output for users who like to bake titles into images)
    NEW: Sort option in 15Zine homepage builder modules: Most commented
    NEW: Filter option in 15Zine homepage builder modules: Custom taxonomy! You can now show any custom posts (detected automatically) in the modules, including WooCommerce product categories.
    NEW: Infinite Scroll + Infinite Scroll with Load More button for homepages built with the 15Zine homepage builder <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />
    NEW: Social Icons options next to search/login icons (can be set to show in top menu or main menu)
    NEW: Post like system: Option to turn it on/off is in Theme Options > Extras (Under "Show by line" option)
    NEW: Social sharing style (Colorful buttons)
    NEW: Social sharing option: Email (For colorful buttons option)
    NEW: Footer full-width widget area (very useful for Instagram feeds)
    NEW: Styling integration code for WP Instagram Widget plugin
    NEW: Section in Theme Options: Mobile
    NEW: Options in Theme Options > Mobile: Mobile menu background (color/image)
    NEW: Google+ about the author option
    NEW: Native gif image support for full-screen grids
    NEW: Support for BuddyPress' cover image feature
    NEW: Mobile menu social icon options
    NEW: Mobile menu background color/image option
    NEW: Option to set Alternate text value for main header logo (Can be useful for SEO, search on Google if you are unsure on what alt text is)
    NEW: Option to make the logo be an H1 tag on the homepage (Other pages, including posts, already have an H1, so this option only applies to homepage)
    IMPROVED: Mobile menu design and collapsible multi-levels
    IMPROVED: Gallery post type slider: No more cropping, even on mobile!
    IMPROVED: Load more ajax pagination now tracked in Google Analytics
    IMPROVED: Video/audio modal responsiveness
    IMPROVED: Brazilian Portuguese Translation
    IMPROVED: 15Zine Latest Widget can now select one or multiple categories
    IMPROVED: 15Zine Top Reviews Widget can now select one or multiple categories
    IMPROVED: Mobile detection
    IMPROVED: Custom taxonomies now load description under title
    IMPROVED: When you tap the Trending megamenu title on tablet, it now hides the megamenu if visible
    IMPROVED: Color picker in category/tag editor
    IMPROVED: Removed Smooth Scroll script as Chrome now has it (and so do other modern browsers)
    IMPROVED: Missing translation
    IMPROVED: Moved "Ad at end of post content area" option from Theme Options > Posts to Theme Options > Advertisement tab
    IMPROVED: Some design details (for example: new subtle smooth animations throughout the user experience)
    IMPROVED: Code spring cleaning
    UPDATED: Font Awesome (over 50 new icons added)
    UPDATED: Schema (Including review schema output)
    UPDATED: Deprecated WordPress calls
    UPDATED: Slider script to latest version
    UPDATED: Woocommerce out of date template files
    UPDATED: Plugin to update theme. Delete "Envato WordPress Toolkit" plugin and install the new suggested Envato Market.
    UPDATED: Favicon option removed from Theme options as WordPress now 100% controls in (Via Appearance -> Customize)
    UPDATED: Framework
    UPDATED: Documentation
    BUGFIX: Tag cloud colors
    BUGFIX: Inability to turn off "Show user on template" option inside user profile
    BUGFIX: 15Zine Review widget showing less than expected posts if some reviews are turned off
    BUGFIX: Gallery post type on mobile image widths
    BUGFIX: Search/login buttons not appearing on mobile if they were set to appear on "main menu"
    BUGFIX: During one of BuddyPress updates, the post update button was hidden
    BUGFIX: WooCommerce checkout title misaligned
    BUGFIX: Google Fonts 404 when using custom fonts
    BUGFIX: Tags blog style C issue

    07 December 2015 – 15Zine v2.2.1

    - BUGFIX: Custom posts types appear on default megamenu loaded
    - BUGFIX: Dropcap issue due to new schema improvements in 2.2
    - BUGFIX: Tiled galleries not visible
    - BUGFIX: Offset latest posts style homepage
    - BUGFIX: New category filter for homepage blog style issue
    - BUGFIX: Down arrow on featured image of a homepage page built with the builder wasn't working in some setups

    30 November 2015 – 15Zine v2.2

    - NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Menus: "Where to add search/login icons". Can now be added to top menu (right) or the main menu.
    - NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Menus: "Icon Text Titles". Show the icon titles as "Normal text/In Tooltip On Hover/Off"
    - NEW: Blog Style Option (J): Portrait images with overlaid text. Perfect for categories with tall images (such as book covers).
    - NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Blog Styles: "Tags default post layout". If tags do not have an individual/specific blog style set, they will use whatever you set here. Useful for quick control on sites with 1000s of tags.
    - NEW: Section in Theme Options: Thumbnails (To disable/enable each theme thumbnail size)
    - NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Homepage: Category filter for choosing what posts to show on a latest post style homepage
    - NEW: Option in 15Zine Homepage Builder -> Latest Post Block with Pagination: Category filter
    - NEW: Option in 15Zine Homepage Builder -> Latest Post Block with Pagination: Offset posts
    - NEW: Aggregate Rating Schema for "Readers only ratings" type reviews
    - NEW: Danish Translation. Thanks to Niels <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />
    - NEW: German Translation. Thanks to Volker <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />
    - IMPROVED: Compatiblity with CPT (for megamenus, including trending one)
    - IMPROVED: Review Schema metadata for more accurate content suggestion for serps
    - IMPROVED: Meet the team templates can now use 15Zine featured image style system
    - IMPROVED: Gallery post type design on small mobile screens
    - IMPROVED: Centered embedded images captions when using small images
    - IMPROVED: General code spring cleaning
    - IMPROVED: Related posts on no-sidebar posts
    - BUGFIX: Limit of unique sidebars for posts
    - BUGFIX: Grid title size in responsive
    - BUGFIX: Background slideshow featured image style showing wrong initial image in some setups
    - BUGFIX: Custom homepages with featured image style "to content arrow button" wasn't moving to correct place
    - BUGFIX: Custom Post Types not appearing in submenu ajax megamenu
    - BUGFIX: Live search ajax not showing pages if the option to show pages in searches was enabled
    - BUGFIX: Breadcrumbs color when using dark body skin option

    07 October 2015 – 15Zine v2.1.2

    - BUGFIX: Top menu flicker dropdown issue on Safari in Macs
    - BUGFIX: Related posts slider issue
    - BUGFIX: When no header ad enabled the retina logo loaded size was wrong

    05 October 2015 – 15Zine v2.1.1

    - BUGFIX: One of the styles had font size issues
    - BUGFIX: New custom link modules weren't using grid/slider tile options in theme options

    02 October 2015 – 15Zine v2.1

    - ADDED: New option to set custom placeholder in Theme Options -> Extras. When a post does not have a featured image set, it will show a white image with a camera. Use this option to set a custom placeholder image to appear in that scenario. Perfect for brands wishing to put their brand everywhere or to keep consistency in site imagery.
    - ADDED: New option for Sliders in Theme Options -> Grids & Sliders: Pause on hover (If autoplay option is enabled, this option will make the slider stop autoplaying when the user's mouse is hovering over the slider)
    - ADDED: New option for reviews: Review Title (To set your own title that appears in review box)
    - ADDED: New module in homepage builder: Custom Link (1 full-width image)
    - ADDED: New module in homepage builder: 3 Custom Links (3 small grid tiles, similar to slider of 3 design)
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Typography to change body font size on bigger screens
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Typography to change body font size on mobile devices
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Advertisement to not output Header Ad code on Mobile Devices
    - ADDED: Two new filters to insert content at the start or end of by lines ('cb_byline_start' and 'cb_byline_end')
    - BUGFIX: Blog style Grid (With sidebar) and infinite scroll issue
    - BUGFIX: BuddyPress background options wasn't applying background image/color properly
    - BUGFIX: New grid of 6 for custom links and images wasn't using the global grid design option from the theme options.
    - BUGFIX: bbPress no sidebar full-width option
    - BUGFIX: Typo in Spanish translation file
    - BUGFIX: Dark style navigation menu logo area hover
    - BUGFIX: Tags not appearing when dark body skin used
    - BUGFIX: Missing background color for videos posts when "dark body" skin selected
    - BUGFIX: BuddyPress was causing conflict with Live Ajax Search "See all results" button
    - IMPROVED: Breadcrumbs now shows tag when on tag page
    - IMPROVED: bbPress colors when using dark body skin
    - IMPROVED: Custom links module now uses original image url, so create 378px width x 297px height images to use in each tile. Useful for creating pixel-perfect puzzle designs.
    - IMPROVED: Grid design style now applies to sliders slides too
    - IMPROVED: General CSS tweaking
    - IMPROVED: Lots of improvements to RTL version

    18 August 2015 – 15Zine v2.0.2

    - ADDED: Sidebar for BuddyPress. If no widgets are added, BuddyPress will show global sidebar.
    - ADDED: Uncropped Featured Image Style option to "Global Featured Image Style Override" in Theme Options -> Posts.
    - UPDATED: BbPress styling for dark body option
    - UPDATED: BuddyPress styling for dark body option
    - BUGFIX: White screen on iPads (Duplicate class typo issue)

    14 August 2015 – 15Zine v2.0.1

    - BUGFIX: Minor Parallax image opacity issue
    - BUGFIX: BuddyPress border missing

    14 August 2015 – 15Zine v2.0

    - ADDED: Ability for homepages built with homepage builder to use Featured image styles
    - ADDED: New module for homepage builder: Custom Links Grid of 6, upload/select images and they can be set to link to any page, category or external URL <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />
    - ADDED: New Options for Featured Image Styles: Title Location/style
    - ADDED: New Options for Standard Featured Image Style: Title Location Above/Below image
    - ADDED: New Options for Site-width/Screen-width Featured Image Styles: Title Location Overlay/Above/Below image
    - ADDED: New Options for Big Featured Image Styles: Title Location Overlay/Below image
    - ADDED: New tab in Theme Options: Grids &Sliders
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Grids & Sliders to change the title and color overlay style on grid tiles.
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Grids & Sliders to change the transparency value of the color that overlays grid tiles (one for normal, one for hover)
    - ADDED: New Footer layout: 1 Column footer
    - ADDED: New Footer layout: 2 Columns footer
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Design to make reviews use category color or a specific color
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Menus to change the alignment of the main navigation menu (left / center)
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Menus for trending megamenu: Show/hide the trending count
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Blog Styles to make Blog Style D show either "excerpt/full post content"
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras to turn author avatar in the by line on/off
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras to turn smooth scrolling effect on/off
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras to turn Live Search Ajax on/off
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras: "Show pages in search", to also return pages in search results on your site.
    - ADDED: New option for fonts "Other fonts". For third party/custom fonts you can use this so that the theme makes no calls to Google Fonts API
    - ADDED: New filter 'cb_after_post_h1' to hook immediately after the h1 of a post - Ideal for hooking secondary titles
    - ADDED: Russian Translation - Thanks to Zara_Thustra <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />
    - ADDED: Serbian Translation - Thanks to Dorian <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />
    - UPDATED: WooCommerce files updated for WooCommerce 2.4.x
    - UPDATED: FontAwesome icons to 4.4.0 (66 new icons)
    - IMPROVED: Sliders of 1 height will never be strange height regardless of what images are inside
    - IMPROVED: Popular posts widget month stats
    - IMPROVED: Breadcrumbs spacing on mobile devices
    - IMPROVED: Theme Options -> Design hierarchy
    - IMPROVED: RTL quirks
    - IMPROVED: Removed Multibyte language option in theme options. Theme now detects multibyte languages and applies code if needed automatically.
    - IMPROVED: Removed one JS file
    - IMPROVED: Removed woocommerce.php and now only use hooks to ensure extra compatibility with third party WooCommerce plugins
    - IMPROVED: Sliders of 1: If you set it to only show one post (or there is only one post), now it will display as a static big image - Useful for featuring single posts
    - BUGFIX: Categories offset option missing 2 posts
    - BUGFIX: Centered embeds with captions layout
    - BUGFIX: Review Widget - when by line was turned off the score would overlay bar
    - BUGFIX: When using ad background takeover system, if margin-top of page was set, this would apply to mobile too
    - BUGFIX: Turning by line "off except under main post title inside a post page" was still showing categories outside the post
    - BUGFIX: Archives blog style C with sidebar issue
    - BUGFIX: Multiple Great-Grandchildren menus would appear if set and hovered
    - BUGFIX: When using the new "show read more button" option, if you had a post with manual "read more tag", then you'd get double "(more...) Read more..."
    - BUGFIX: Missing translation of "Views" word
    - BUGFIX: Video gallery shortcode play button styling
    - BUGFIX: Tooltip title of login/join icons

    03 June 2015 – 15Zine v 1.3

    - ADDED: BuddyPress compatibility/styling/logged in modal integration.
    - ADDED: New options in Theme Options -> Extras: Various options to control theme sliders speeds/animation effect/autoplay
    - ADDED: New filters to change a number of posts displayed in megamenu. Simply return a number using: Megamenu with submenu and posts: 'cb-mm-with-menu-number-posts' and megamenus with only posts: 'cb-mm-number-posts'. Default: '3'.
    - ADDED: New page template "Blank" (does not output header/footer/sidebar) - Ideal for creating landing pages and similar.
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Posts -> Social sharing block options now includes "Text buttons"
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Design -> "Show line under menu" - This option allows you to show/remove the line under the main navigation menu
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Design -> "Color of line under menu" - This option allows you to change the color of the line under the main navigation menu
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras -> "YouTube Autostart for Video Post Types" - If this is off, the YouTube API will not be loaded at all. If on, it will only load on video posts with YouTube embeds to automatically start playing videos when a visitor hits the "play button" inside a post.
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Extras -> "Multibyte Languages". Some languages use multibytes (Such as Chinese), so enable this to fix any character bugs in the excerpts.
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Option -> Design -> "Footer Normal Text Color" - affects color of plain text in footer, such as content outputted by text widget
    - ADDED: New option for categories that use blog styles with a sidebar: Sidebar position (Left / Right)
    - ADDED: New tab in Theme Options -> "Blog Styles"
    - ADDED: Translation files for Polish language - Thanks to Agracjan <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" />
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Blog Styles -> "Show Read More Text Link After Excerpt"
    - IMPROVED: Custom sidebar option for pages: If enabled, you can now choose between using a "New or existing sidebar".
    - IMPROVED: Custom sidebar option for posts: If enabled, you can now choose between using a "New or existing sidebar".
    - IMPROVED: Post editor (TinyMCE) general visuals to look more like it does in the published post.
    - IMPROVED: Some option descriptions for better clarity what they do
    - IMPROVED: If you set a color in Theme Options -> Design -> Global Color, then the main navigation menu items with no set color will use that on hover as default
    - BUGFIX: No sidebar option for WooCommerce pages wasn't working properly
    - BUGFIX: RTL Search modal location
    - BUGFIX: Sticky section B sidebar
    - BUGFIX: Dark body style missing elements
    - BUGFIX: Site-width and Screen-width featured image styles on pages layout issue
    - BUGFIX: If views was set to not show, the views counter would still appear in the 15Zine popular widget
    - BUGFIX: Missing buttons CSS if button added in custom code module on homepage
    - BUGFIX: If infinite scroll was on category with breadcrumbs, it would appear again
    - BUGFIX: Popular widget spacing different to latest post one
    - BUGFIX: Recent Post showing date even if date was set to be off
    - BUGFIX: Child-theme stylesheet was loading before parent stylesheet (fix is in child-theme's functions.php)
    - BUGFIX: Minor CSS issues

    27 April 2015 – 15Zine v 1.2.1

    - ADDED: French translation files
    - IMPROVED: Captions on smaller screens now appear below image, captions on big screens appear on top of the image.
    - UPDATED: Core framework and TGM for recently discovered XSS vulnerability:
    - BUGFIX: Misaligned Stumble Upon social share button
    - BUGFIX: Spanish translation typo
    - BUGFIX: Text spill on WooCommerce cart buttons on 1020px screen size

    15 April 2015 – 15Zine v 1.2

    - ADDED: Deep WooCommerce compatibility and styling
    - ADDED: New WooCommerce tab in Theme Options
    - ADDED: New variation of "no sidebar" option for pages/posts (Choose between Left Sidebar / Right Sidebar / No Sidebar Full-width / No Sidebar centered)
    - ADDED: New exclusive sidebar area for bbPress in Appearance -> Widgets (optional)
    - ADDED: Image template files for background ad system, to easily create perfectly-fitting background ads if required
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Menus to turn ajax megamenu functionality on/off
    - ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Posts to set a global default setting for the sidebar style (Choose between Left Sidebar / Right Sidebar / No Sidebar Full-width / No Sidebar centered)
    - ADDED: Class for placeholder images (appears when post has no featured image) for easy control over whether to show them in post or not
    - ADDED: For developers: Filters for the byline individual parts: cb_byline_avatar, cb_byline_date, cb_byline_views, cb_byline_category, cb_byline_author, cb_byline_coauthors
    - CHANGED: Cubell Themes Functionality plugin is no longer required for 15Zine. The theme now requires a plugin called "15Zine - Functionality", you can now delete "Cubell Themes Functionality". This was done to avoid issues when users modified details of the child theme.
    - BUGFIX: Child-theme has changed the way the style.css file is loaded inside it, please use this version of the child-theme from now on if you intend on adding custom code to the child's style.css file
    - BUGFIX: Full-screen images on RTL language sites wasn't reversed
    - BUGFIX: Logo in mobile menu wasn't perfectly centered
    - BUGFIX: Removed empty featured image from attachment page (more options for attachment pages will come in future updates)
    - BUGFIX: Javascript check if variable has value before continuing
    - BUGFIX: The "No more articles" box wasn't appearing when infinite scroll reached the end
    - BUGFIX: Button shortcode wasn't rendering in "page content area" of a page with normal content + using the pagebuilder

    02 April 2015 – 15Zine v 1.1

    - IMPROVED: General CSS spring-cleaning <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" />
    - ADDED: Theme Options -> Design: New option "Columns Megamenu Main Title Color" to control the color of the first menu item in each column of the column megamenu
    - ADDED: Theme Options -> Posts: New option "Show tags"
    - ADDED: Theme Options -> Posts: Social sharing block now has individual options to turn on/off individual social network sharing buttons
    - ADDED: Theme Options -> Posts: StumbleUpon sharing button to Social Sharing Block
    - ADDED: Theme Options -> Posts: Facebook Share button to social Sharing Block
    - ADDED: Portuguese Translation, thanks to Ajfiel <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" />
    - ADDED: Relevant post classes to post thumbnails, so with CSS you can target special posts (for example: posts with "sponsored" tag, you can now make them look special/different to the rest of the posts)
    - ADDED: Option to have Javascript files minified
    - BUGFIX: Translation files missing two plural forms
    - BUGFIX: 15Zine Homepage builder: If selecting Blog Style I (Grid style full-width), the sidebar would still output next to it, causing layout to look strange
    - BUGFIX: Lightbox appeared under top menu (z-index css)
    - BUGFIX: Pages "show header" option wasn't working
    - BUGFIX: By Line - Comments on/off option
    - BUGFIX: Top menu bar visible on desktop even if empty
    - BUGFIX: Global background image
    - BUGFIX: By Line on/off option if off still showed comments + category
    - BUGFIX: Grid of 3 in pagebuilder had post filter option hidden
    - BUGFIX: Child-theme CSS not loading (Fix is in parent theme files, so no need to re-install child theme)
    - BUGFIX: Clicking on comments small button now scrolls to comments block
    - BUGFIX: Retina logos issue
    - BUGFIX: Featured Image Style Global Override in Theme Options had a quirk

    20 March 2015 – 15Zine v 1.0

    - Initial Release



    DOWNLOAD 15Zine - HD Magazine / Newspaper WordPress Theme Download

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