Saturday, July 27, 2019

nulled Ask Me - Responsive Questions & Answers WordPress Download


Latest Version is available now V 5.9 27 March 2019

Ask Me - Responsive Questions & Answers WordPress - 1Ask Me - Responsive Questions & Answers WordPress - 2

Ask Me is the questions and answers WordPress theme, it’s come with a more features.

Ask Me has a profile pages for the user, question pages and answers pages.


  • Fully Responsive design

  • Retina ready

  • Awesome contral panel

  • RTL Fully Support

  • Light and dark

  • Unlimited Sidebars

  • Unlimited Colors

  • 3 Headers style Light and dark

  • HTML5/CSS3

  • Advanced Post/page options – custom background color/image, custom colors, custom layout ( right sidebar, left sidebar, full-width), hide/show elements, page comments, and more ?

  • Post Formats: Standard, Image, Gallery, Video

  • Multiple Blog Layout medium image, Big image

  • Shop demo

  • Advertising System

  • 404 page

  • Page templates with customization options ( 46 page template )
    • Activity Log

    • Add Post

    • Follow Answer

    • Add Question

    • Asked Question

    • Badges & Points

    • Blog 1

    • Blog 2

    • Questions Categories

    • Follow Comment

    • Contact Us

    • Edit Comment & Answer

    • Edit Post

    • Edit Profile

    • Edit Question

    • Followers

    • Home page

    • Authors I Follow

    • Login

    • Login 2

    • Most Responses / Answers

    • Most Visit

    • Most Vote

    • No Answers

    • Notifications

    • Follow Post

    • Follow Question

    • Questions Bump

    • Recent Question

    • Comments or Answers

    • Shop

    • User Answer

    • User Best Answer

    • User Comments

    • User Favorite Questions

    • User Followed Questions

    • User Paid Questions

    • User Points page

    • User Polls page

    • User Posts

    • User Questions

    • Users page

    • Messages

    • Tags

    • Search

    • FAQs

  • custom Widgets with customization options ( 21 Widgets )
    • Ask question button widget

    • Comments widget

    • Contact widget

    • Counter widget

    • Flickr widget

    • Highest points widget

    • Login widget

    • Profile links widget

    • Questions categories widget

    • Questions widget

    • Stats widget

    • Subscribe widget

    • Signup widget

    • Tabs widget

    • Twitter widget

    • Video widget

    • Adv 120×600 widget

    • Adv 234×60 widget

    • Adv 250×250 widget

    • Adv 120×240 widget

    • Adv 125×125 widget

  • and more ?

Test Demo Login



This demo will be reset everyday, any content that is offensive will be deleted. You can use it to test the features and content of the Ask Me theme like ask question, answer and every other things in the theme.

Ask Me Online Documentation


Ask Me is super easy to install and setup and come with an extended documentation, ready to use page layouts and examples, and much more.

Professional Customization Service


We provide professional theme customization service for our themes.

Kindly send me here your requirements and we will respond with the cost.

Note : If you buy the theme and want the demo files please send me in my profile

If you have any question or any suggestion please tell me :

Type your question or suggestion in the comments or send me in my profile

V 5.9 27 March 2019

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Added a new option for SMTP mail secure to make it "No Encryption".
+ Added a new option to disable SSL Certificate Verification.
+ Added a new option for SMTP Authentication.
+ Removed google plus from the theme totally.
+ Added a new option to select the checked by default options when add a new question.
+ Added a new option to show the question title for the private question or not.
+ Added a new option for the ask question form to activate the Privacy Policy or not.
+ Added a new option for the Privacy Policy at the ask question form to choose the page or custom link and choose the page open in the same page or a new tab.
+ Added a new option for the register form to activate the Privacy Policy or not.
+ Added a new option for the Privacy Policy at the register form to choose the page or custom link and choose the page open in the same page or a new tab.
+ Supported the WP CLI.
+ Improved mail functions.
+ Fixed the bugs.

V 5.8 17 February 2019

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Updated the last version WooCommerce.
+ Added a new option to pay to ask with points or not.
+ Added a new option to choose what’s points need to ask a new question.
+ Added a new option to pay to sticky question with points or not.
+ Added a new option to choose what’s points need to sticky question.
+ Added a new option to choose if the private answer the user who added the question can see it also or not.
+ Added a new option to activate the SMTP mail with host, port, name, password and secure.
+ Improved the responsive.
+ Fixed all the mail problems.
+ Fixed the bugs.

V 5.7 21 December 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Added a new option to make the user can active the best answer or not.
+ Added a new option to remove the question slug or not.
+ Added a new option to choose your add post page from the setting.
+ Added a new option to activate the add post works by popup or not.
+ Changed the “Ask question button” widget to “Buttons”.
+ Added to the widget “Buttons” option to choose the button, ask question, add post, login, signup, or custom link.
+ Added a new option to add your breadcrumb separator.
+ Added a new option at User setting/Register Setting to choose when user click on logout will go to the same page, home page or custom link.
+ Added the WhatsApp share at the theme.
+ Added a new option at the register and edit profile to activate the other field at the gender or not.
+ Added a new field at gender to add other.
+ Added a new option to show the best answer at the question loop, or most voted answer, or the last answer.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.6 11 October 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Added a new option at User setting tab to select what’s the links you need to show at the user stats.
+ Added a new option to active the vote works for the unlogged users or not.
+ Added a new option to make the badges work with groups name, with groups and points or with points.
+ Added a new option to choose your font by google fonts.
+ Added a new option to change the questions archive slug.
+ Added the sticky button at the add question and edit question from the front end and it show for the admin only.
+ Added a new option to active the close and open question for the admin only or not.
+ Added a new option to active the poll at question loops or not.
+ Added a new option to active the visits at the site work by cookie.
+ Added a new option to active the go up button or not at General settings tab.
+ Added a new option to active the ask question button beside the go to up button from the general setting.
+ Added a new option to choose the groups not show the admin top bar.
+ Added a new option to activate if you need to redirect the unlogged users from wp admin to login page.
+ Added a new option if you need to the redirect users from admin and choose what's the groups will redirect to the home page.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.5 24 May 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Add a new option at Posts settings tab to delete the post ever or put it at the trash.
+ Add a new option at Questions settings tab to delete the question ever or put it at the trash.
+ Add a new option at Comments & Answers tab to check if the users can delete the comments and answers or not.
+ Add a new option at Comments & Answers tab to delete the comment or answer ever or put it at the trash.
+ Change the name for the page template Recently Answered to Comments.
+ Add a new option at comments page template to show answers or comments.
+ Add a new option at comments page template to order the comments by date or vote for the answers.
+ Add a new option at comments page template to order the comments Descending or Ascending.
+ Add a new option to comments page template to set the comments per page.
+ Improved the theme performance and queries.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.4 9 May 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ New option at question categories widget to Show the child categories accordion.
+ New option at search tab to Show at the filter categories parent categories and when select the parent will show his child categories.
+ Add profile picture in edit profile form.
+ Profile picture in edit profile form is required.
+ Add country in edit profile form.
+ Country in edit profile form is required.
+ Add city in edit profile form.
+ City in edit profile form is required.
+ Add age in edit profile form.
+ Age in edit profile form is required.
+ Add phone in edit profile form.
+ Phone in edit profile form is required.
+ Add sex in edit profile form.
+ Sex in edit profile form is required.
+ Add names in edit profile form.
+ Names in edit profile form is required.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.3 3 April 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ New option at home page template to add a content before the tabs.
+ New option at home page template to add a content after the tabs.
+ Active the live search at the big search.
+ New option to active the next and previous questions at the same category only or not Ask Me Settings >> Questions >> Inner question >> Navigation question for the same category only? >> ON.
+ New option to active the next and previous posts at the same category only or not Ask Me Settings >> Blog & Article settings >> General settings >> Navigation post for the same category only? >> ON.
+ Add option at home page template at the tabs to add the tabs with question categories.
+ Add a new option to can choose the verified users && && &&
+ Add a new option to active or not all the meta at the questions loop.
+ Add a new option to active or not all the meta at single question page.
+ Improved the schema for the questions and answers.
+ improved the theme performance and queries.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.2 10 February 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Add a new style to choose the width 1300px.
+ Add a new option to remove the title from the add question form.
+ Add a new option when remove the title from question form will choose what’s the number of the words or characters will get from the content.
+ Add a new option to remove the username and email from the question form in non-logged users case.
>> By the last 3 options you can make the from is content only and submit button.
+ Add option to show the question video at the question loop or not.
+ Add option to show the question video before or after content.
+ Add option to set the width for the question video.
+ Add option to choose if you need the question video 100% or not.
+ Add option to set the height for the question video.
+ Add a new option to question categories to choose them by ajax at ask question form.
+ Remove the follow email at the profile and make it with checkbox only if you need to show your email or not at the profile.
+ improved the theme performance and queries.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.1 4 January 2018

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Make option at Search tab to choose what’s the default search.
+ Improved the account area for the WooCommerce.
+ Make search at product categories, product tags and products.
+ Make the tags template support product tags.
+ Make the categories template support product categories.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 5.0 18 December 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Ready to the last WordPress version.
+ Ready to the last woocommerce version.
+ Add a instagram icon for the social icons.
+ Add a new option at the “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete” to make the question published auto for unlogged user or not.
+ Add a new option at the "Blog & Article settings/Add + Edit + Delete" to make the post published auto for unlogged user or not.
+ Add a new option at the "Answers & comments" to make the answers and comments published auto for unlogged user or not.
+ Add a new option to send email when the question need a review at the “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete”.
+ Add a new option to send email when the post need a review at the “Blog & Article settings/Add + Edit + Delete”.
+ Add 2 email templates for send email when the questions and posts need a review.
+ Add a new option at the Header setting tab to show the video at the all pages, all pages without home page or home page only.
+ Add a new page template “FAQs”.
+ Add a new option at “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete” to choose the category at the ask form is single or multi.
+ Add a new option at “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete” to active ask a anonymously or not?
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.9 17 November 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Ready to the last WordPress version.
+ Ready to the last woocommerce version.
+ Add a new option at General settings if you want to active the lightbox at the site or not.
+ Add a new option to hide the author stats in the profile page.
+ Add a new option to upload a featured image for the question.
+ Add a new option to show the featured image at the question loop.
+ Add a new option to show the featured image at the single question.
+ Add a new option to upload a featured image for the answers.
+ Add a new option to show the featured image at the answers.
+ Add a new option to show the featured image at the single question answers.
+ Add option to enable or disable the lightbox for the featured image at the questions.
+ Add option to enable or disable the lightbox for the featured image at the answers.
+ Add option to set the featured image size for the questions.
+ Add option to set the featured image size for the answers.
+ Add option at each question to set the featured image size.
+ Add option at the logo setting to set the height and width.
+ Add a new option at the advanced tab to choose from where the ajax file load from admin or theme.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.8 20 October 2017

=== Fixed and Improved ===
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Fixed a problem when edit your profile.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.7 15 October 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Pay to make your question sticky at top.
+ Add option if you need to change the question URL when edit it.
+ Update PayPal payment and you need to add PayPal Identity Token from admin panel Payment setting tab.
+ Make option at questions setting tab to choose excerpt type words or characters and make the excerpt at the loop questions.
+ Make a new option at register setting tab to review the users before complete the register.
+ Make a new tab at Ask Me Setting to make your custom email templates, it’s 12 templates.
+ Make options to type the 12 email titles.
+ Add option if you need to change the post URL when edit it.
+ Add a new option at Ask Me - Questions or posts widget to sort them with no response.
+ Full translated to Arabic.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.6 15 September 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new option if you need the categories show at ask question or not.
+ Add a new option if you need the categories required at ask question or not.
+ Make a new option at admin panel at the messages tab to can review the messages before it published.
+ Add option at user profile to set he need a messages or not.
+ Add option to the admin can block any users to can’t send messages.
+ Add option to the user can block any users to can’t send message for him.
+ Add new option at the admin if you need send email to the user after send a message.
+ Update twitter counter.
+ Update latest tweets.
+ Add a new option to active the private question or not.
+ Add a new option to active the the notified answers or not.
+ Add a new option to active the private answer or not.
+ Add a new option to show or hide the share at the question page.
+ Add a new option to show or hide the author info box at the question page.
+ Add a new option to active the answers or not at the question page.
+ Add a new option to show or hide the related questions at the question page.
+ Add a new option to choose the related questions number you need to show at the question page.
+ Add a new option to select the query for the related questions by categories or tags.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.5 13 August 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Make a new option at ask a question widget to open the question at popup or normal link.
+ Fixed question at the top (Sticky).
+ User can send message for other users.
+ Any one can send message without register.
+ Details in send message form is required or not.
+ Editor enable or disable for details in send message form.
+ Active user can delete the messages.
+ Active user can seen the message by send notification.
+ Add a new permission to groups to can send a message.
+ Add a new page template to make search page.
+ Search now support, Questions, Answers, Posts, Comments, Question categories, Question tags, Posts categories, Posts tags and users.
+ Add a new option to active the live search or not.
+ Live search at the top header, the main search and the search page.
+ Make a new page template for the tags.
+ Add a new option to template categories what’s show per page.
+ Add a new option to template categories to choose the categories show for posts or questions.
+ Add a new option to template categories to order by Popular or Name.
+ Add a new option to template categories to order Descending or Ascending.
+ Add a new option to template tags what’s show per page.
+ Add a new option to template tags to choose the tags show for posts or questions.
+ Add a new option to template tags to order by Popular or Name.
+ Add a new option to template tags to order Descending or Ascending.
+ Add a new option to template tags to choose the style is Advanced or Simple.
+ Add a new option to template users what’s show per page.
+ Add a new permission to groups to can upload files.
+ Add a new option to show search at category archives from the breadcrumb.
+ Add a new option to show search at tag archives from the breadcrumb.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.4 17 July 2017

=== Fixed ===
+ Fixed the update profile.
+ FIXED: RTL file.
+ FIXED: RTL for the admin panel.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.3 13 July 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Add a new option to allow ask the users questions.
+ You can upload a image for the question categories.
+ Now you can change the date format for the register date for the user from Ask Me Setting >> General settings >> date format.
+ Fixed the update profile.
+ Make a new page template to show what’s the question you followed.
+ Make a new option if you need to show the report system for the logged users only from Ask Me Setting >> Questions >> Active the reports in site for the logged users only ?
+ Make a new page template to show the user comments.
+ Add a new link activity log page to the user links.
+ Add a new option to show the top header layout >> Ask Me Settings >> Header settings >> Top header Layout.
+ Make a awesome side menu at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show top menu at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show ask question button at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show cart at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show notifications at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show main menu at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show social at responsive.
+ Add a new option to show search at responsive.
+ Make a new option to show the Login and register at side menu.
+ Make a new page template to show your question polls.
+ Make a new page template to show what’s your best answers.
+ Make a new option at the menus to show the profiles and user links.
+ Make the admin panel responsive.
+ Make a new options at users template to sort them by Register, Name, ID,Questions,Answers , Best Answers, Points, Posts and Comments.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.2 9 June 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ WordPress 4.8 ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ The answers sort by date or vote. Ask Me Settings >> Questions >> Answers sort by >> Vote.
+ Enables usernames containing special characters (russian, cyrillic, arabic).
+ After register go to Same page,Home,Profile or Custom link.
+ After login go to Same page,Home,Profile or Custom link.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.1 22 February 2017

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new option to sort the sections at the questions.
+ Add a new option Ask me Settings >> Header settings >> to show the new search after the header like this
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 4.0 1 February 2017

=== Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last version WordPress Ready.
+ Last version WooCommerce Ready.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

V 3.9 22 December 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ WordPress 4.7 ready.
+ Show the questions at rest API.
+ Fixed the error message when add a question from home page.
+ Move the error message when add a question to the box.
+ At the post and question remove About the author and replace it by About “name” >>
+ At top header are when ask a question add a new option to choose this description go to the title or comment >>
+ Send a message when approved a answer for the follow the question.
+ Send a message when approved a answer for user has a question and check a notified.
+ Add a new column at questions admin for the comments.
+ Add a new column at questions admin for the category.
+ Add a new column at questions admin for the tags.
+ Remove a best answer count when delete the question if it have a best answer, remove it from all the stats and the user best answers.
+ Remove a best answer count when delete the comment if it have a best answer, remove it from all the stats and the user best answers.
+ Remove a point for the user if delete the comment.
+ Remove a point for the user if delete the comment if it have a best answer.
+ Add option if you need to lost one of the best answer from the stats when delete the question have a best answer or delete answer has best answer, This option also work with the last previous 4 points.
+ Add option if you need to show the adv at 404 page or not.
+ Add a new column at comment page at admin to know if this comment for the comment or answer.
+ Add a new column at comment page at admin to know if this answer best answer.
+ Add a new option at user setting tab to active the notifications system or not.
+ Add a new option at user setting tab to active the activity log system or not.
_ Add a new note when make the question if you active this option “Charge points for questions” to tell the user will lost some point when make the question.
+ Make a activity log page template and choose it from the User setting tab.
+ Add a new label for the links show the the user links for the activity log link and check it at User setting tab.
+ Add a new feature to add the reason for the delete comment/answer, when edit it from here >> When click Delete?, will see the reason at notifications page if add the reason.
+ Add a new feature to add the reason for the delete question/post, when edit it >> >> When click Delete?, will see the reason at notifications page if add the reason.
+ Add a new label to show all the answers only
+ Add a new label to show all the comments for posts only
+ Make a new option at header to show the notifications icon or not.
+ Add a new option to show the notifications number at header menu.
+ Make a notifications page template and choose it from the User setting tab.
+ Add a new column at users admin for the questions count.
+ Add a new icon at top bar to show the answers
+ Add a new links to show the normal question and poll, See it when edit all question page
=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes.

V 3.8 18 November 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add option to set point when add a new post.
+ Add option to show the free coupons when add a new question.
+ Add new widget to show the button ask a question.
+ Add a new features at home page template to add the categories you need to show.
+ Add a new icon at admin bar with count posts at the draft to can review them.
+ Add a new features to show all the payment history.
+ Add a new note at single question to show if this paid question.
+ Add a new note for admin only at single question to show the Transaction id if this a paid question.
+ Add a new note for admin only at single question to show if this transaction is from PayPal sandbox.
+ Add a the point for new post at the badges & points page.
=== Fixed ===
+ Fixed sticky sidebar issue.
+ Minor bug fixes.

V 3.7 31 August 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ WordPress last version ready.
+ Update WooCommerce to the last version.
+ Add a new option in the user page at admin area if you need this user can select or remove the best answer.
+ Make user page order by registered, ID, display name, post count, question count and points.
+ New widget for signup.
+ Add new option to show the captcha at login.
=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes.

V 3.6 4 June 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add the question title at recently answers.
=== Fixed ===
+ Fixed a problem at author page.

V 3.5 2 June 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new feature to disable the dislike at the questions.
+ Add a new feature to disable the dislike at the answers.
+ Add a new feature to add the description to the blog categories.
+ Add a new feature to add the description to the question categories.
+ Add a new feature to add the description to the blog tags.
+ Add a new feature to add the description to the question tags.
+ New option to select what the related post show, by category or tags.
=== Fixed ===
+ Fixed a problem at responsive.
+ Fixed a problem when edit the comment.
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 3.4 17 April 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new feature you now can select what the groups can ask without pay.
+ Improved the payment system.
+ Improved the coupons.
=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 3.3 30 March 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new feature you now can active the payment to the use must need to pay to ask.
+ Add a new feature to add a coupons when you make a payment.
+ Update WooCommerce to the last version.
+ Add the username and email to see them at admin when the user add question without register.
+ Add a new option to get the point back for the user when any one select best answer.
=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 3.2 12 January 2016

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a icon at WordPress top bar to show if you have a new questions need a review.
+ Fixed the problem at Twitter widget and make it by the cache.
+ Add option to sort the tabs at home page template.
+ When you choose any tab and refresh the page it still stay at the same tab.
+ Add a new tab in home page template ?Questions Bump?.
=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 3.1 13 December 2015

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ WordPress 4.4 ready .
+ WooCommerce 2.4.x ready .
+ Update the Facebook API.
+ Add a message when add a new answer after the header.
+ Add a pagination for the comments and answer.
+ Fixed problem when add a new post by add post page template in the new WordPress version.
+ Fixed some problem responsive version.

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 3.0 7 November 2015

What’s new in the new version

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new counter in stats widget for the best answers.
+ Add last version for the font awesome.
+ Add questions slug in admin panel.
+ Add question categories slug in admin panel.
+ Add question tags slug in admin panel.
+ Add a new option in the user profile page to show the private pages or not.
+ Add a new option in the user profile page if he want to received a new mail when any one add a new question.

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 2.9 7 October 2015

What’s new in the new version

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a option to available the editor or not in the add question page.
+ Add a option to available the editor or not in the add post page.
+ Add a option to edit a comment in the user answer page.
+ Add a option in Advanced tab to create all theme pages and save them.
+ Fixed the problem in report page if the question or answer deleted.

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 2.8 1 October 2015

What’s new in the new version

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a option in the add question, edit question, add post and edit post page a editor.
+ Add a new option in the add comment and add answer to enable the editor or not.
+ Add a option for the login logo to control in the width and height.
+ Add a new style for the questions control in the bottom.
+ Add a new option to active the edit question for user or not.
+ Add a new option to hide the question author image in the loop or not.
+ Add a new feature in the meta the view.
+ Add a new feature to enable for the normal users edit the comments and answers.
+ Add a new feature to enable the edit comment or answer after added by hours.
+ Add a new page template edit comment & answers and add option to choose it in the Blog & Article settings.
+ Add a new feature after edit the comment or answer to approved auto or not.
+ Validate the captcha in the comments and answers by jQuery.
+ Fixed the search page.

V 2.7 30 August 2015

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a option for control show the columns in the users page admin to see the Phone, Country and Age.
+ Add a new option in admin panel to hide the featured image in the single post.
+ Add a new post type for the post ?Lightbox?.
+ Fixed the problem in the logout link in the user profile.

V 2.6 26 August 2015

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Add a new columns in the users page admin to see the Phone, Country and Age.
+ Fixed the problem if the user add a question and charged by point.
+ Fixed the problem if the user edit the profile.
+ Fixed the problem to send email for the users if any one add a question.

V 2.5 23 August 2015

=== New Features and improved ===
+ WordPress 4.3 ready .
+ WooCommerce 2.4.x ready .
+ Add a new option to hide the excerpt in questions .
+ Add a new link in the single question admin page to delete the attachment .
+ Add a new option to choose what?s links show in the top panel area .
+ Add a new option to choose what?s links show in the widget login .
+ Add a new select field in the country to show all the countries .
+ Add a share via email .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 2.4 30 June 2015

=== Improved and fixed ===
+ Fixed some problem in multiple upload .
+ Fixed some problem in RTL .
+ Update file languages .
+ prettyPhoto XSS fix .
+ Add a new feature in the user profile all the country in the select .

V 2.3 24 June 2015

=== Improved and fixed ===
+ Improved the pop up responsive in RTL .
+ Fixed some problem in the multiple upload .
+ Fixed the problem if you choose the best answer or remove the best answer .

V 2.2 22 June 2015

=== New Features and improved ===
+ Add a new options for the blog page templates to choose single category, multiple categories, custom posts or the last posts .
+ Add a new language file Vietnamese .
+ Add a new video option HTML5 in the post .
+ Fixed the social counter .
+ Add a new feature multiple upload in add question page .
+ Improved the forget pass page by email only not username and email .
+ Improved the pop up responsive .
+ Improved the header responsive .
+ Improved the comment page .

V 2.1 7 April 2015

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor fixes in responsive .
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 2.0 26 March 2015

=== New Features and improved ===
+ Add a new features to can follow the question and any new answer send to your email .
+ Supports WooCommerce .
+ Add a new option to select what's the groups receive emails from the addition of a new question .
+ Add a new option if you want active the point system or not .
+ Add a new option if you want active the vote in the site or not .
+ Add a new option if you want active the report system in the site or not .
+ Add a new page template ?Follow post? .
+ Add a new page template ?Follow comment? .
+ Add a new option to active the sticky sidebar .
+ Add a new option to choose the sidebar width 1/4 or 1/3 .
+ Add a new option to close all the site for the register users only or not .
+ Improved the ul lists and links in sidebar and widgets .
+ The pagination work now in the Recently Answered page template .
+ Add option to set the pagination in tabs in home page template .
+ Add option in home page template to remove index content ( Title, content, buttons and ask question ) .
+ Add the socials in header and add option to active it or not .
+ Add YouTube social in the user profile .
+ Add option to sort the sections from the panel and custom from the meta post per page .
+ Add the retina logo .
+ improved the seo and sharing .
+ Add option to active the nicescroll or not .
+ Add the Italy language .
+ Add a new custom header to active it in all the questions pages ( categories, tags and inner questions ) .
+ Add a new custom header to active it in all the product pages ( categories, tags and inner products ) .
+ Convert text URLs into comments and answers to hyperlink .
+ Add a new option when any one vote the question add or remove point from the original author .
+ Add a new option to active the captcha or not in ( add a question, add a post, add a answer, add a comment, register form ) .
+ Add a new option in Ask Me - Questions or posts widget and Ask Me - Tabs to add the excerpt title .
+ Make the Attachment link in inner questions or posts is bigger and add before it icon to show it good .

=== Fixed ===
+ Fixed the top header in responsive .
+ Fixed Pop Ups in responsive .
+ Fixed Restore Defaults .
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.9 19 January 2015

=== New Features and improved ===
+ Add a new page template add post .
+ Add a new page template edit post .
+ Now you can add, edit and delete the post form the theme .
+ Add a new permission for the groups add post .
+ New you can add or remove point form the users .
+ Add a nice scroll in theme now .
+ Add a checkbox in login widget for show it for not login users only .
+ Add a new widget for add a profile links .
+ Add a new text input in terms if you don?t like to select a page ( in register from and add question form ) .
+ Add a new option for active the question bump or not .
+ Add a new option for active the admin can select or remove the best answer .
+ Add a new option for active the top bar for WordPress or not .
+ Add a new checkbox in home page template for check the recent posts .
+ In the question bump page template show the points of the bump .
+ Add a new custom post meta to control in single pages .
+ Add a new widget for the questions categories .
+ Add a new option in questions categories to set this category only for admin and the user asked this question, the user can?t add answer until the admin answered and all the users show the question and answers only .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.8 8 December 2014

=== New Features and improved ===
+ Add the country in register form, active it or not and make it required or not .
+ Add the sex in register form, active it or not and make it required or not .
+ Add the age in register form, active it or not and make it required or not .
+ Add the phone in register form, active it or not and make it required or not .
+ Add a checkbox agree of the terms, choose the page and active this feature or not ( in ask question form ) .
+ Add new option to hide the tags form the ask question form .
+ Add new option to hide the poll form the ask question form .
+ Add a new feature to add a point or any one add a new question, type the point and cancel this options by add in text input for the point 0 .
+ Make a new style for the email template like this , you can upload your logo and put the email reception .
+ Add a new field in edit profile page to edit you display name .
+ Add a new option in questions tab to display Like/disLike in main page or not .
+ Add a new option to choose the user after register ho to home or custom page .
+ Add a new option to active send the default message after register or not .
+ Add a new tab for user group for add a permission for the user and add a groups .
+ Select a default group in register .
+ Add a new option to give a new user points for a gift .
+ Add a checkbox agree of the terms, choose the page and active this feature or not ( in register form ) .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.7 3 November 2014

=== New Features and improved ===
+ Add new feature the user can delete the question .
+ Add new feature in the home page template you can change background to the top box or add image background or add slider .
+ Add new feature and tab in the Ask Me Setting add you can by this tab change the style for all the single question pages .
+ Add new option for active the poll for user only or not .
+ Add new feature in the poll question in admin page the stats of the users poll .
+ If the user ask question and you in the style admin change the default style the new question don?t have the same style like all site, now it fixed .
+ Fixed the edit question in some user if he edit the question it add a new question, now it fixed .
+ Remove the Question Categories tab in the Ask Me Setting and remove Categories Design and put the setting for the categories in the single category page .
+ The Ask Me Setting now is faster the all size is 1 MB - mean the admin panel .
+ Fixed the page saved for some users .
+ Fixed the private category problem .
+ If you ask question without login and subscribe in the question no answers send to your mail, Fixed now .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.6 1 September 2014

=== New Features ===
+ Add new language fr_FR ( French ) .
+ Add new language hu_HU ( Hungarian ) .
+ Add option to enable the attachment in ask question form or not .
+ Add option to enable the attachment in add a new answer form or not .
+ Resize the avatar pic because no to a load in the site .
+ If you didn't login and click in login login on add answer form will slide down pop-up not go to the page .
+ Add option in question category to make it a private category the user only show his questions and the admin can see any questions .
+ Add option in question category to make it a special category it must the admin reply first in the question to open it in all users .
+ Add new features to put the ask question form in pop-up in any area .
+ Add new option to close your question or open it in a single question page and the admin can open it and close it .
+ Add new features register by activation system and option in admin panel to active it or not and if you lost or the email doesn?t send there are a link to send it again .
+ Add new features / section in admin panel to show all the reports for questions and answers .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.5 15 August 2014

=== New Features ===
+ Add new language tr_TR ( Turkish ) .
+ Choose form two blog style in author , category , archive , .. .
+ Add captcha in form comment and answer .
+ Add new input file in register form "profile image" and add options to show it or not and option to make it required or not .
+ Notified all user when any one add a new question and add option to enable or not .
+ Any one now can add questions without logged in .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.4 28 July 2014

=== New Features ===
+ Add new language Nederlands (Dutch) more thanks for marawa .
+ Points are not counted in the state to add the answer to his question .
+ Add new features : Advertising System .
+ Add question and answer captcha , options to choose the answer in form or not and option to choose form this way or the old captcha .

=== Fixed ===
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.3 18 July 2014

=== New Features ===
+ Add captcha in ask question .
+ Add captcha in register form .
+ Add new options to enable or disable captcha .
+ Add new options the answers and comments open for all or the user only and you can active this feature or not .
+ Add new option the user bump question by points if no answer in there question .
+ Add new page template questions bump .

=== Fixed ===
+ fixed comments widget & video widget .
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.1 7 July 2014

=== New Features ===
+ The user can edit the question .
+ Add 2 button in top box in home if user login or not .
+ Add a new option the user can't add question before have the point and active this feature or not .

=== Fixed ===
+ Fixed the menu in responsive .
+ Minor bug fixes .

V 1.0 4 July 2014

- First release

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