Wednesday, July 24, 2019

nulled Top Social Stories Plugin and Widget Download




This plugin easily tracks how many daily social interactions you have on these social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest and VK.

NEWS: Top Stories in real world with an IoT device

Top Social Stories Plugin and Widget - 1
This plugin is compatible with WPLight, so you can make it blink with every social like/share/tweet. Read more

What are Top Stories?

Top social stories” are your best posts, the most shared on social networks. This plugin gives you a social metrics tool to analyze and discover your most viral posts: you can see statistics about how many Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Vkontakte interactions you have every day for each post, each author and globally for all your site.

Are you using social share buttons? You need this plugin!

If you use social plugins for sharing contents on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter or Pinterest or Linkedin or Vkontakte or if you use the Facebook comments under your Wordpress blog posts, you should install this plugin, to save and monitor social interactions data. It’s time for social metrics!

This plugin collects social data (without slowing down your site!) and shows you which of your posts and authors are most popular based on how many times each post has been shared on various social networks.

Ranks for today and for a period

Top Social Stories Plugin grabs the total share count from Facebook (facebook like + share + comments), number of Google +1s and grabs the number of times your links are twitted on Twitter, pinned on Pinterest and liked on Linkedin and russian Vkontakte social, for each post of your blog every day.

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Social metrics charts for every post and author

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Export data to custom fields, widget and shortcodes

Data are saved in database and can be exported as custom fields linked to each post (which you can use in your theme to easily show social counters).

Social data, daily, are used to create ranks of your Top Social Stories and your Top Authors.
These ranks can be added to your siderbars throught widgets and can be used inside posts with shortcodes (this allows you to create a “popular post page” with top authors and top posts for a specified period.

Watch some examples, demonstrsations:

The plugin and the widget have a lot of parameters to customize your ranks and get useful top stories and author lists as made on and

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  • works also for custom post types

  • easy to read stats on a period, with trends (which post is going viral, which is going down)

  • daily stats with trends, and stats over a period

  • save historical data for each post and draw line chart for social interactions both globally (all posts) and for each single post

  • show authors rank for a period and for today, who is your best author?

  • ranks for authors, both widget and shortcode

  • customize the widget to show/hide total count number

  • customize the widget to show/hide featured images

  • customize the widget to force include of posts (if you have paid content to push)

  • customize the widget to optionally add automatically a tag to posts that enter a rank

  • export data to custom fields to show counters inside your theme with php! export both counters for posts and authors!

  • multilingual ready, with italian, german and english translations, make your tranlations and send it to me to spread it globally

  • email alerts for sending notice to authors when there posts pass a specific level of share

  • you can choose the period of data to store in your database to keep the Top Stories table size small

Version history

october 2013 first release; v.1.0
v.1.1 - Added support for Google+, small graphic improvements. Bug fixed: hide draft posts, fixed wrong count in authors count and minor fixes, support for custom post types.
v.1.2 - Better support for custom post types. Small bug fixed (removed articles without likes from stats and ranks, addedd messages when empty ranks, and more...). New chart period navigation.
v.1.4 - December 2013 - added support for Linkedin and Pinterest data, better UI interface for Wordpress 3.8 metro style and minor fixes.
v.1.5 - March 2014 - plot number of posts on the chart, sql fix, permalinks fix, removed facebook ping (not working properly), added a filter in the widget to show overall posts viral in a period.
v.1.51 - March 2014 - Small bug fix.
v.1.6 - May 2014 - Now you can use a new shortcode and a new widget to show ranks of powerful authors in the blog.
v.1.61 - May 2014 - Added custom fields on authors to store the total social count of each authors.
v.1.62 - October 2014 - Small bug fixes.
v.1.63 - November 2014 - Better SQL performances and Unsigned fields bug fix.
v.1.7 - November 2014 - Better SQL performances, Vkontakte support, Rank position in widget, Email alerts, Multilingual, Pie charts and montly global chart!
v.1.72 - November 2014 - small fixes and German language
v.1.73 - November 2014 - spanish language and a better handle for ajax calls
v.1.75 - March 2015 - Links fixed for installation of wordpress in a subdir
v.1.77 - April 2015 - Esc url fix for add_query_arg
v.1.79 - November 2015 - Twitter counter no longer works. Counter updates only if number growing, moved js in footer for performances, minor fixes
v.1.80 - November 2015 - Fixed twitter counters with OpenShareCount
v.1.81 - March 2016 - A few bug fixed
v.1.82 - August 2016 - Minor fixes and new Facebook settings panel for new Facebook API integration
v.1.83 - September 2016 - Database size handler to reduce table size and bug fixes
v.1.84 - October 2016 - Changed permalinks in widgets
v.1.85 - December 2016 - minor fixes
v.1.86 - December 2016 - News section and minor changes
v.1.87 - January 2017 - bug fixes and new counters
v.1.88 - April 2017 - removed not https ping
v.1.89 - October 2017 - two small bugs fixed (SQL and Facebook data request)
v.1.90 - April 2019 - modified Facebook data request


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