Thursday, July 25, 2019

nulled Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application Download


Upcoming New features: Releasing July 30, 2019

  1. BIG FEATURE: Customer Reward Point, increase customer loyalty by offering them reward point

  2. Customer/Suplier ledger

  3. Miscellaneous improvemenst

New version 2.14.3 Released June 18

POS application for every business 






Cashier or salesperson Login:


Important Document links:


Server requirements:

  1. PHP 7.1 or higher

  2. MySQL database

Installation guide here:


  • Are future updated FREE?
    Yes, all future LIFETIME updates are FREE

  • Do I have to pay for updating to latest version?
    NO, You get updates for FREE

  • Will it work offline?
    Yes, it works offline

  • What hardware does it support?
    – Barcode Scanner
    – Receipt or Thermal Printer (Printer with ESC/POS commands)

  • Does it support our currency?
    Yes, we support ALL currency. In case you don’t find the currency listed, let us know via comment. We will be adding it in minutes

  • Does it support languages other than English?
    Yes, UltimatePOS is translation ready.

  • Do you support the item?
    Yes, absolutely.

  • Does it supports GST / VAT taxes?
    The tax is completely customizable. You can define GST, VAT and Group taxes like a combination of CGST + SGST. This taxes can be selected while adding purchase & sell. You can view the tax report to view details of input & output tax during a period.

Key Features:

  1. Multiple Business/Shops: 
    • Set up multiple businesses in the application.

    • No restriction on numbers of businesses.

    • Inventory & accounting information is kept separately for each business.

  2. Add Location / Storefronts  / Ware House: 
    • Create multiple locations for your business/shop

    • Manage all of them at the same time.

    • Stocks, Purchases, Sell can be tracked differently for locations.

    • Customize invoice layout, invoice scheme for each location

  3. User & Role Management: 
    • Powerful user and role management system

    • Predefined roles – Admin & Cashier

    • Create different Roles with permission as per your need.

    • Create unlimited users with different roles.

  4. Contacts (Customer & Suppliers):
    • Mark contact as customer or supplier or both(customer & Supplier)

    • View details of transactions with a contact.

    • View total of Credit/Debit balance amount 

    • Define pay term and get payment alerts week before the due date.

  5. Products: 
    • Manage Single & Variable products.

    • Classify products according to Brands, Category, Sub-Category.

    • Add products having different units

    • Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes.

    • Get stock alerts on low stock.

    • Save time by auto calculating selling price, the system is smart to auto calculate selling price based on purchase price and profit margin.

    • No need to type variations every time, create variation template and use it everytime you need to create variable products.

  6. Purchases:
    • Easily add purchases.

    • Add purchase for different locations.

    • Manage Paid/Due purchases.

    • Get Notified of Due purchases week before the pay date.

    • Add discounts & Taxes

  7. Sell:
    • Simplified interface for selling products

    • Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business

    • Add new customer from POS screen.

    • Ajax based selling screen – save reloading time

    • Mark an invoice for draft or final

    • Different options for payments

    • Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.

  8. Manage Expenses:
    • Easily add business expenses

    • Categorise expenses 

    • Analyse expenses based on category and business locations with expenses report.

  9. Reports: 
    • Purchase & Sale report

    • Tax Report

    • Contact Reports

    • Stock Reports

    • Expense Report

    • View Trending Products, drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units and date ranges

    • Expense Reports

    • Cash Register Report

    • Sales Representative report

  10. Other useful feature:
    • Set currency, timezone, financial year, the profit margin for a business.

    • Translation ready.

    • Predefined barcode sticker settings.

    • Create your barcode sticker setting

    • Manage Brands, Tax Rate & Tax groups, Units, Category & Sub-Category

    • Easy 3 steps installation.

    • Detailed documentation

    • Stock Adjustment

    • Express Checkout

    • Works Offline


Demo Login Link:
Username: admin
Password: 123456

Register new business:

UltimatePOS Application has been thoroughly tested to make sure there are no issues but in case you find any issue feel free to inform us about it:

For any Pre-Sales or Support inquiry: Feel free to drop us a comment at codecanyon or write us here:

With this application, you are assured to save time-consuming process of bookkeeping accounting and inventory information. Also, you will have all the required information for detailed analysis of your business.


 Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application - 1



Version Log:

New Release: V2.14.3: June 18, 2019

  1. Support for HRM feature in Essentials module.

  2. Improved user profile.

  3. New report: Item Report: item purchase-sales-opening stock-stock adjustment mapping report

  4. Closing stock in Profit & Loss report will deduct stock adjustment

  5. Product duplicate fix when stock management is disabled.


New Release: V2.14: May 29, 2019


  2. Discounts by category, brands, start-end day

  3. Profit & Loss report lots of improvements: Gross Profit, Profit By Category, Profit by Brands, Profit by date, Profit by Invoice, Profit by Day

  4. Gross Profit in Profit & Loss report

  5. Stock report added to product list

  6. Product list: Show price of product, and price range it variable product

  7. Product list: Show price available stocks sum in all locations

  8. Quick add product from direct sale

  9. Add purchase return from all purchases of a supplier (no need to select any particular purchase invoice)

  10. Print packing slip

  11. Product image display in invoice by enabling it in invoice layout

  12. Performance improvements in reports and many different sections

  13. Show custom fields on contact details page

  14. Miscellaneous Fixes & Improvements

New Release: V2.13: 9th April

  1. Release notes:

  2. NEW: Activate/Deactivate products in the product list 

  3. NEW: Decimal Precision for currency (number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)

  4. NEW: Decimal precision for Quantity (number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)

  5. NEW: PHP-CS-Fixer & Prettier (Improved coding standard)

  6. NEW: Service Staff can be selected for each line in sales, Related changes in the service staff report & added on orders screen

  7. NEW: Print invoice button in recent transactions in the pos screen.

  8. NEW: Currencies added.

  9. IMPROVEMENT: Query optimization & indexing for faster loading & searching.

  10. IMPROVEMENT: Mobile number added to customer dropdown on POS screen

  11. IMPROVEMENT: Mass delete products message improved

  12. IMPROVEMENT: Auto refresh orders on Kitchen and Orders page implemented with configurable refresh time.

  13. IMPROVEMENT: Stock report improvement

  14. IMPROVEMENT: Disabling category or brands also disable from POS screen products filter.

  15. FIXES: Sale return deducted from Sales representative report, Customer due in the Balance sheet & tax report.

  16. FIXES: Drafts and quotations in lines removed from product sell report.

  17. Other fixes & improvement

New updates: V2.12.4: Released 18th March, 2019

New updates: V2.12.3: Released 8th March, 2019

  • Filters in List Purchases, Sales, Products

  • Show available stock on product search dropdown in pos screen

  • Display opening balance on reports and contact details page

  • Fixes & improvements in the dashboard.

  • Other minor improvements

  • Contact opening balance bug fixed

  • Dashboard multiple ajax call reduced

  • Invoice due display issue on dashboard fixed

  • HTML code improvements

New updates: V2.12: Released 11th February

  • Update Instruction

  • NEW: Minimum Sale price on pos/sale screen added (enable it from Business Settings -> Sales -> Sales price is minimum selling price)

  • NEW: Added Document Upload & download feature in Payments

  • NEW: filters on expense list added

  • NEW: Turkish translations added

  • Improvements: Improved Uploads. Uploads directory changed from storage to public

  • Improvements: Purchase/Sell algorithm

  • Improvements: Stock Report improved to display all variations

  • Fix: Product purchase, Product sell, Purchase payment, Sell payment report for location filtering

  • Fix: Expense in profit loss report

  • Fix: Delete purchase

  • Fix: Register details issue fixed

New version 2.11.3, December 26th

  1. Maintainance release

New version 2.11.2, Released December 5th

  1. NEW: Quick add product from pos screen implemented

  2. NEW: Suspend sale added on POS screen

  3. IMPROVEMENTS: Product description field added in Add/Edit Product. Quick add products & Product import using csv.

  4. IMPROVEMENTS: Disable submit button after form submit implemented

  5. IMPROVEMENTS: Mail driver option added to business email settings

  6. IMPROVEMENTS: Expense payment modal missing added

  7. IMPROVEMENTS: Footer total improved in Sell list and purchase list

  8. IMPROVEMENTS: Pos screen design improved

  9. IMPROVEMENTS: Phone, alternate mobile, Website fields added to register forms

  10. IMPROVEMENTS: Images fixed /install/fix-image (after login with administrat_username, deleting app/storage/)

  11. IMPROVEMENTS: Debug true by default

  12. FIX: Sales list footer total issue fixed

  13. FIX: Customer group report and purchase payment report location issue fixed

  14. FIX: Tax report tax details issue fixed

  15. FIX: Sale total and Sale due issue on multiple places fixed

  16. FIX: Other fixes

New version 2.11 Released November 12th

  1. NEW: New invoice design which shows all taxes in column form

  2. NEW: New permissions for payments, POS screen edit of price, POS screen edit of discount

  3. IMPROVEMENTS: Payment Report Improvements

  4. IMPROVEMENTS: Purchase & Sell Return Payment improvements

  5. IMPROVEMENTS: Detailed invoice design improvements

  6. IMPROVEMENTS: View/print individual payments

  7. IMPROVEMENTS: Sales agent name in invoice

  8. IMPROVEMENTS: Sub-Category UI improvements

  9. IMPROVEMENTS: Shipping details field improvements in sell screen

  10. IMPROVEMENTS: Barcode label printing

  11. IMPROVEMENTS: Variable Product improvements

  12. IMPROVEMENTS: Compatibility release for WooCommerce addon

  13. miscellaneous improvements & fixes

V2.10 (Release: 5th October 2018)

  1. NEW: Sending Email & SMS notifications for purchases / sales

  2. NEW: SMS notifications support for ALL countries SMS providers with RESTFul API Support.

  3. NEW: Purchase Return

  4. IMPROVEMENTS: Sell Return improvement

  5. IMPROVEMENTS: Stock Transfer Improvements to select Lot number & expiry

  6. IMPROVEMENTS: Stock Adjustment Improvements to select Lot number & expiry

  7. IMPROVEMENTS: POS screen improvements

  8. IMPROVEMENTS: Enable subtotal editing in POS screen

  9. Many other Fixes & improvements

V2.9 (Release: 11th September 2018)

  1. NEW: Import customer using csv file.

  2. NEW: Price Groups. Document(add multiple prices for a product, for example retail / wholesale price and also different business locations prices)

  3. NEW: Lanuage change option in Login/Register page

  4. NEW: Copy/Duplicate products (Time Saver for adding similar products)

  5. NEW: Copy/Duplicate Sell invoices.(Time Saver for adding similar sell invoices)

  6. NEW: Save & Add another button in Add/Edit product screen.(Time Saver)

  7. IMPROVEMENTS: Setting screen redesigned to easily manage settings.

  8. IMPROVEMENTS: Merge pos setting into system setting to easily manage settings from one place

  9. FIX: Adding opening stock issue from product list.

  10. FIX: Product list showing same product multiple times.

  11. Other Fixes & improvements

V2.8.1 – 23 August 2018

  1. Quick Fixes

V2.8 – 21 August 2018

  1. NEW: Opening balance added for Customer & Suppliers

  2. IMPROVEMENT: Add/Edit contact form design improved

  3. IMPROVEMENT: Added Total in sale, purchase, expense tables for better overview

  4. IMPROVEMENT: Shipping hidden from invoice if 0

  5. IMPROVEMENT: Zeros after decimal point with product stock

  6. IMPROVEMENT: Search contact by contact ID on Purchase and Sell

  7. IMPROVEMENT: Reports improvements: product purchase and sell report, Stock Report

  8. ISSUE: Dropbox backup (requires PHP 7.2)

V2.7 – 10th August 2018

  1. NEW: Compatibility for SaaS & Superadmin optional Premium Module

  2. NEW: 3 New Custom payment methods added – so you can add new payment methods as per your requirenments

  3. NEW: Store backup file in cloud – Local, DropBox, AWS S3 Document. Never loose your data anymore

  4. IMPROVEMENTS: Major improvements in Backup: Complete log with Download/Delete option

  5. IMPROVEMENTS: Add Payment received details from Add purchase screen

  6. IMPROVEMENTS: Add Payment received details from Add Sell screen

  7. IMPROVEMENTS: Customer screen Action: Pay Due amount for multiple invoice at once.

  8. IMPROVEMENTS: Sale Payment Report & Purchase Payment Report with Date Range Filter & display Total in table

  9. FIX: Lot number issue in POS screen

V2.6 – 30th July 2018

  1. NEW: Added Shipping Charge option in Sales and option to print in invoices

  2. NEW: Lot number & expiry option added to Sales and option to print in invoices

  3. NEW: Credit Limit amount added for customers (with 0 = no credit, blank values = infinite credit).

  4. NEW: Inline/each product discount Fixed/Percentage in sell screens.

  5. NEW: Calculator added.

  6. NEW: Theme color options added.

  7. IMPROVEMENT: Unit price and tax moved to modal in sell screen.

  8. IMPROVEMENT: Option to display salesperson in invoices.

  9. IMPROVEMENT: Ajax Base path improvements.

  10. IMPROVEMENT: Quick add customer from pos screen permission check

  11. IMPROVEMENT: Sell return layout changes

  12. FIX: Quantity decimal issue

  13. FIX: P&L calculation

V2.5 (MAJOR Release: 16 July 2018) 

  1. Advance Support for Restaurants, Salons, & related business

  2. Appointment & Bookings

  3. Table Allocation (For restaurants, Salons and related business)

  4. Service Man assignment to orders (like waiter, Barber, technician etc)

  5. Service Man Order Screen

  6. Modifiers (for restaurants, like extra cheese)

  7. Beep Notifications on success, error

  8. Custom SKU for product variations

  9. 2 New reports: Table report, Service Staff report

  10. 4 Custom fields added in Add/Edit Product & import CSV

V2.4.2 (Release: 4 July 2018) 

  1. Allowed printing of labels for items with 0 Stock or even if “Stock Management” is disabled

  2. POS screen barcode scanner issue fixed

  3. Fixed XSS security issue

  4. Minor fixes & improvements for V2.4

V2.4.1 (Release: 22 June 2018) 

  1. Fix release for V2.4 .

V2.4 (Release: 12 June 2018) \

  1. Product Image upload implemented

  2. Application Backup (Guide to enable backup)

  3. POS screen Category Filter – added “All Category” Option

  4. Added filter by Brand in POS product

  5. New Lot Report added

  6. Cash Return issue Fixed, Purchase Delete issue fixed

  7. Minor usability improvements

V2.3 (Release: 31 May 2018) 

  1. Quick Add Suppliers & customers from Purchase or Sell screen.

  2. Auto Generation of reference number with prefixes on Purchase, Stock Adjustment, Stock Transfer , Expenses, Contacts, Purchase Payment, Sell Payments, Business Location, Product SKU

  3. View Purchase, Sell in the same page (click on the rows in Purchase list or sell list) without going to a different page.

  4. Display sub-taxes for Group taxes in Invoice & Tax report

  5. Added field for website & 4 custom fields in business locations. Fields also displays in invoice.

  6. Stock expiry report improvements

  7. Add/Edit Opening Stock via ajax in product list

  8. Increase or Decrease font size in any screen (Useful if you think font size is small)

  9. Auto Start application tour in first login

  10. Sticky Sidebar

  11. Cashier Location Issue fixes (after updating go to edit cashier & add assign location to cashier)

  12. New seperate screen for Sales Return (beta)

V2.2.1 (Intermediate Release: 18th May 2018)

  1. Bug fixes with Opening stock.

  2. New beautiful invoice design, with options to choose invoice design 

  3. Elegant & Classic Invoice design (choose from Invoice layout)

  4. More fields in Add/Edit Product (Rows, Positions, Product Weight)

  5. Improvements in POS screen, Quick checkout using Credit/Debit Card

  6. Import Opening Stock from CSV

V2.2 (Release: 04th May 2018)

  1. Show barcode in sales receipt

  2. Giving quotation(Estimates) & printing of quotations

  3. Convert quote to final invoice.

  4. Printing of purchase

  5. Added barcode in purchase print

  6. Arabic language, Support for RTL

  7. Delete of Sales

V2.1 (Release: 19th April 2018)

  1. Improvement to import Products. (Adding Opening Stock, Expiry for opening stock, Enable IMEI or Serial Number for a product)

  2. Delete of Purchase.

  3. Adding of “Lot number” of items while purchasing.

  4. Adding Rack Details of a product.

  5. POS Sales improvement – Not allowing sales when paid amount is higer than invoice amount

MAJOR RELEASE – V2.0 (Release: 7th April 2018)

  1. POS screen complete redesigned
    • New layout – works super excellent in full-screen mode.

    • More Shortcuts added.

    • Configurable buttons

    • Configurable layout

    • Product Suggestion based on category and sub-category.

  2. IMEI or Serial number for Mobile & Electronics stores .

  3. Classify Customer into Groups and sell at different prices ( Retail customer, Wholesale customers ). Customer Group Reports.

  4. New Reports added: Product Purchase report, Product Sell report.

  5. Contact ID added for contacts.

  6. HSN code support for GST countries like India.

  7. Delete of Products

  8. Sales commision percentage to automatically calculate commissions based on the sales.

  9. Thermal printer invoice layout improved.

  10. Inline Discount for each product in add/edit/view purchase screen

  11. Remove expired product from expiry report.

  12. Much more improved french translations (Thanks to Riad Baziz for helping us a lot here)

  13. Remove compulsory from Tax field.

  14. Modification in the business registration page

V1.3 (Release: 18th March 2018)

  • Products with Expiry (Need to enable from settings)

  • Product expiry report.

  • Commission Agents (Needs to Enable and set as per requirement in settings)

  • Currency Placement (Before or After Amount)

  • Add item to a new row or increase the quantity if exist in POS screen. (In Settings)

  • Stock Transfer between different business locations.

  • Adding/Editing of Opening Stock in Add/Edit Products.

V1.2 (Release: 24th February 2018)

  • Adding, Editing, Downloading documents for Purchases and Expenses.

  • New reports: Profit & Loss Report

  • View “Today’s Profit” directly from the Top navigation bar.

  • Import products via CSV.

  • Improvements in sell receipt

  • Keyboard shortcuts for POS screen with options to configure your own shortcuts.

  • Huge improvements in POS screen in terms of usability and reducing billing time.

  • New Sell feature – Now sell quickly with POS screen or create invoice via “Add Sell” screen.

  • Stock accounting method added: LIFO / FIFO.

  • Increased money value support.


V1.1 (Release: 7th February, 2018)

  • Assign One or Multiple locations to a user role.

  • Stock Adjustment added

  • POS screen improvements

  • POS screen – Express Checkout added.

  • Expenses related to a staff or user can be added (like salary)

  • Cash Register added.

  • New reports added: Expense Reports, Cash Register Report, Sales Representative report.

  • Support of Receipt (thermal ESC/POS) added.

  • Business Locations wise settings added for Receipt.

  • Purchases payment can be done in Partials (Previouly was only Paid Or Due)

  • Installer Improvement

  • Translations added for – Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Albanian


DOWNLOAD Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application Download

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