Friday, August 30, 2019

nulled Booking Core - Ultimate Booking System Download

See what new in version 1.3.0

Booking Core - Ultimate Booking System - 1

Booking Core - Ultimate Booking System - 2

Booking Core - Ultimate Booking System - 3

Booking Core is a Booking System based on Laravel, designed for a travel website, Marketplace, Travel Agency, Tour Operator, Room Bnb, Villa Rental, Resort Rental, Flight Booking, Make Affiliate Travel website.

With 6+ years working on travel products we confident to bring to you best product for your travel site with optimized UX/UI, friendly on mobile on the search engine.

Latest Update – Aug 30 – 2019


 - Add Availability calendar for Tour
- Add Location Detail Page
- Add Live Chat for Customer and Vendor
- Add Wishlist for User Panel
- Add Commission system for Vendor
- Add Vendor Profile
- Add Show Total Price in Tour's Booking form
- Add Add Booking fees for space and tour
- Add Smart search location for space and tour
- Add Page Register for vendor
- Allow admin to duplicate content for tour and space
- Update filter get featured item in Block Template


 - [Fixed] Can't embed youtube iframe in the editor
- [Fixed] Translate tool show wrong count number(%)
- [Fixed] Don't show next button on the calendar
- [Fixed] Multi-lang bug in Template builder

Free installation service:

Demo site:

Sandbox site: (Data will be reset each 2 days):


Admin Sandbox:

Password: admin

Vendor Panel:

Vendor account:

Password: vendor1





Booking Core - Ultimate Booking System - 4













Version 1.3.0 – Aug 29 – 2019


 - Add Availability calendar for Tour
- Add Location Detail Page
- Add Live Chat for Customer and Vendor
- Add Wishlist for User Panel
- Add Commission system for Vendor
- Add Vendor Profile
- Add Show Total Price in Tour's Booking form
- Add Add Booking fees for space and tour
- Add Smart search location for space and tour
- Add Page Register for vendor
- Allow admin to duplicate content for tour and space
- Update filter get featured item in Block Template


 - [Fixed] Can't embed youtube iframe in the editor
- [Fixed] Translate tool show wrong count number(%)
- [Fixed] Don't show next button on the calendar
- [Fixed] Multi-lang bug in Template builder

Version 1.2.0 – Aug 7 – 2019


 + Multi language for site
+ Add Post Type Space for Rental
+ Add pagination for Media Uploading
+ Add Config Email settings in admin Dashboard
+ Add Config Timezone in settings
+ Add Favicon option
+ Booking report for vendor
+ Add Options to change Contact information


 + [Fixed] error Create Tour in vendor panel
+ [Fixed] Date time issue in the form search
+ [Fixed] Scroll issue in Testimonial Block in Home Template
+ [Fixed] Openstreemap

Version 1.1.0 – Jul 10 – 2019


 + Tour Booking Calendar: View all your tour bookings in calendar (Only for Admin, will update for Vendor later)
+ Stripe Standard Payment Gateway
+ Change default forgot password email template to match our design
+ Add bulk actions for Language Management page
+ Add options for enable ReCaptcha in Login/Register and Booking form
+ Move uploads folder to "public/uploads", you need to copy all old files under "storage/app/public" to "public/uploads"
+ Add "Find Translations" button in Translation Tool


 + Bug create/update user
+ Bug in translations tool
+ Bug button "remove" in tour page does not work
+ Change default image size in tour search page to width: 600px (old is 150px)
+ Bug in delete menu item
+ Other small improvements



DOWNLOAD Booking Core - Ultimate Booking System Download

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