Wednesday, August 21, 2019

nulled Navigative - PDF Viewer for WordPress addon Download

What Navigative Addon Does ?

Navigative is an addon for PDF Viewer for WordPress which allows you to display multiple pdf files on a single page with a navigation on the sidebar.

This is useful, specially when you have a few pdf files which you want to display using the iframe shortcode but don’t want to create so many pages.


This addon requires PDF Viewer for WordPress to work properly.

Documentation ?

Please have a look at overview video for more clear idea about the addon.

Navigative PDF Viewer for WordPress Addon Documentation Video

WorkFlow of Navigative on your website

Navigative PDF Viewer for WordPress Addon WorkFlow

Another View

Navigative PDF Viewer for WordPress Addon WorkFlow

One more View

Navigative PDF Viewer for WordPress Addon WorkFlow


=== 2.0 (21 August 2019) ===

  • Added Additional Shortcode Parameters

  • Added Shortcode Generator under ThemeNcode PDF Viewer Menu in wp-admin

=== 1.1 ===

  • Misc Improvements

=== 1.0 ===

  • Initial Release

    Thank You



DOWNLOAD Navigative - PDF Viewer for WordPress addon Download

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