Thursday, October 31, 2019

nulled FlatDash - Bootstrap 4 Flat Admin Theme Download

Flatdash is a premium responsive Admin Theme developed by Frontted team using latest Bootstrap 4 framework. This flat admin theme comes with unique dashboard style, pages packed with hundreds of ui components varying from forms, tables, charts, modals and much more.

Having a solid modular architecture and using latest front-end technologies FlatDash becomes the number 1 choice for your next Admin Dashboard.

Flat Rails Admin Theme

Features & Highlights

  • Included All of Bootstrap 4.1 Components

  • Customized Line, Bar, Area & Donut Charts

  • Tickets, Trello (drag & drop), Chat, Calendar & more

  • Left-to-Right & Right-to-Left

  • Forms

  • Validation

  • Search

  • Group

  • Rounded

  • Flush

  • Toggle

  • Date pickers

  • Input Masking

  • WYSIWYG editor

  • File Uploads with drag and drop

  • Select2 Plugin

  • and more!

  • Navbar with buttons, menu, forms, avatars, and more!

  • Light/Dark Sidebar Styles

  • Material & Font Awesome Icons

  • Calendar UI with drag & drop events

  • Functional listing search with list.js

  • Extended/Customized Vector Maps

  • Free Updates

    We’ll be adding amazing updates with new features regularly on a weekly basis!

    Get Support

    Feel free to contact us and will make ourselves available to provide the help you need.

    Change log

    Version 1.0.0 – 5 Apr 2019

    -- Initial Release



    DOWNLOAD FlatDash - Bootstrap 4 Flat Admin Theme Download

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