Thursday, October 31, 2019

nulled HiliteUI Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Download

HiliteUI Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template

The user-friendly and feature-rich HiliteUI Admin Template is highly

responsive, which guarantee a fine user experience on both mobile devices

and desktop. This admin template is built by using the Bootstrap framework,

SASS, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS. Customization is a lot easier too because the

styling of HiliteUI is done by SASS preprocessor.

The clean and well-commended code of the HiliteUI Admin Template can be

comprehended easily. HiliteUI also features an excellent collection of UI

elements, theme styles, color schemes, and more. This template is

cross-browser compatible and can be used to build admin dashboard,

application backend, CRM, CMS, and other web applications. Users who

purchase the HiliteUI Admin Template will be eligible to download future

updates of the template for free.

Features of HiliteUI Bootstrap Admin Template

  • Light & Dark Versions are available

  • Horizontal and Vertical Layouts

  • Responsive Design

  • Simple, modern, and user-friendly design

  • Well-commented and well-documented

  • Cross Browser Compatibility

  • UI Elements

  • Accordions

  • Buttons

  • Badges

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Dropdowns

  • Modals

  • Progress Bar

  • Pagination

  • Tabs

  • Typography

  • Tooltips

  • Advanced UI elements

    • Dragula

    • Clipboard

    • Context Menu

    • Sliders

    • Carousel

    • Colcade

    • Loaders

  • Form Elements

    • Basic Elements

    • Advanced Elements

    • Validation

    • Wizard

  • Charts

    • ChartJs

    • Morris

    • Flot

    • Google Charts

    • Sparkline js

    • C3 charts

    • Chartists

    • Justgage

  • Editors

    • Text Editors

    • Code Editors

  • Tables

    • Sortable table

    • Data table

    • Basic table

    • Js-grid

  • Popups

  • Notifications

  • Icons

    • Flag icons

    • Mdi icons

    • Font Awesome

    • Simple line icons

    • Themify icons

  • Maps

    • Google Map

    • Vector Map

    • Mapael

  • User Pages

    • Login

    • Login 2

    • Register

    • Register 2

    • Lockscreen

  • Error Pages

    • 500

    • 404

  • General Pages

    • Blank Page

    • Profile

    • FAQ

    • FAQ 2

    • News Grid

    • Timeline

    • Search Results

    • Portfolio

  • E-Commerce

    • Orders

    • Pricing Table

    • Invoice

  • E-mail

  • Calendar

  • To-do List

  • Documentation

  • Gallery



    DOWNLOAD HiliteUI Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Download

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