Tuesday, December 24, 2019

nulled GDPR Cookie Law – jQuery GDPR Compliance Plugin Download

GDPR Cookie Law - jQuery EU Cookie Consent Plugin

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) made it necessary to inform the user about the use of cookies on the website. That’s why this GDPR plugin was created.

GDPR Cookie Law is a lightweight responsive jQuery plugin that allows you to create simple cookie notification in modern, flat style with several options.

GDPR Plugin Features

  • Easy Integration

  • Plugin Customization

  • Custom Hyperlinks

  • Plugin Examples

  • Custom Cookie Popup Style

  • Clean Code

  • Responsive & Mobile Friendly

  • Predefined Themes

  • Animation Types

  • Different Positions

  • Cross Browser Support

  • Lightweight jQuery Plugin

  • Free Updates

Browser Compatibility

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Safari

  • Opera

  • IE Edge


GDPR Cookie Law jQuery plugin provides the necessary regulations that affected by cookies. It doesn’t offer full compliance with GDPR as you have to follow further rules, that can be discussed by your GDPR consultant or law firm.


Please visit my profile page or ask question in the GDPR plugin’s the comments section.


Please visit my profile page or ask question in the plugin’s the comments section.

Version 1.0.7 - Jan 16 2019

- Added: Custom hyperlinks
- Added: Custom hyperlinks example

Version 1.0.6 - Aug 03 2018

- Added: zIndex parameter
- Added: delay parameter
- Added: examples

Version 1.0.5 - July 08 2018

- Added: gdpr-cookie-law.min.css
- Added: gdpr-cookie-law.min.js

Version 1.0.4 - June 26 2018

- Improvements: JavaScript Performance Optimization
- Added: 10 new themes

Version 1.0.3 - June 18 2018

- Added: new 'fade-slide' animation

Version 1.0.2 - June 15 2018

- Removed: btnAcceptPadding
- Added: btnAcceptPaddingTop, btnAcceptPaddingRight, btnAcceptPaddingBottom, btnAcceptPaddingLeft
- Added: animationStatus, animationDuration, animationName

Version 1.0.1 - June 08 2018

- Removed: boxShadow
- Added: boxShadowStatus, boxShadowHorizontalOffset, boxShadowVerticalOffset, boxShadowBlur, boxShadowSpread, boxShadowColor, boxShadowOpacity
- Fixed: accept button active color

Version 1.0.0 - June 07 2018

- Initial release

Please don’t forget to rate this item after purchase: audio samples rating – 5 stars

Check out my other plugins on CodeCanyon:




DOWNLOAD GDPR Cookie Law – jQuery GDPR Compliance Plugin Download

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