Tuesday, March 24, 2020

nulled Corona Charts - Live COVID-19 Stats WordPress Shortcode Plugin Download

+190 different country or whole world live Coronavirus pie & doughnut percentage charts.

+190 different country live Coronavirus vertical column charts.

+190 different country or whole world day by day historical Coronavirus line charts.

Live Documentation: http://bakikozak.com/corona-charts/doc
Quick Support: bakikozak@gmail.com

General Features:

  • All Charts is Responsive, Mobile & Tablet Compatible

  • All Text is Localizable for Your Language (included dynamic values)

  • All Charts has Own Grid Option (so, you can list the charts in custom columns)

  • All Charts has Own Width & Height Option

  • All Data Comes from worldometers.info/coronavirus and It’s updated every 10 minutes

  • Clean CODE

General Chart Type:

  • Data

    • Whole World Data

    • +190 Different Country Data

  • Data Features
    • Total Case Count

    • Active Cases Count & Percentage

    • Recovered Count & Percentage

    • Deaths Count & Percentage

  • Styles
    • 2D Doughnut

    • 3D Doughnut

    • 2D Pie

    • 3D Pie

  • Chart Features
    • Display Values on a Tooltip

    • Slice Chart Parts with Click

Countries Bars Chart Type:

  • Data
    • Whole World Data

    • +190 Different Country Data

  • Data Features
    • Total Case Count

    • Active Cases Count

    • Recovered Count

    • Deaths Count

  • Styles
    • Seperated Bars – Vertical

    • Overlapping Bars – Vertical

  • Chart Features
    • Set Country Amount

    • Display Values next to the Bars

    • Display Values on a Tooltip

    • Vertical Scrolling

    • Maximum Country Amount in Y Axis for First Chart Initialization

    • Hide/Show Bars

Historical Lines Chart Type:

  • Data
    • Whole World Data

    • +190 Different Country Data

  • Data Features
    • Day by Day Total Case Count

    • Day by Day Recovered Count

    • Day by Day Death Count

  • Styles
    • Sharp Lines

    • Supple Lines

  • Chart Features
    • Set Date Amount

    • Display Values on the Lines

    • Display Values on a Collective Tooltip

    • Horizontal Scrolling

    • Maximum Country Amount in X Axis for First Chart Initialization

    • Hide/Show Lines


Version 1.0.0 (23 March 2020 – UTC)

- Initial Release.



DOWNLOAD Corona Charts - Live COVID-19 Stats WordPress Shortcode Plugin Download

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