Saturday, March 28, 2020

nulled Staff | Multi-Purpose Drupal 8 Theme Download


  • Drupal 8 Theme

  • Boxed Layout and Fullwidth

  • Demo Data Included

  • 10 Home Pages

  • 5 About Pages

  • 4 Services Pages

  • Team Pages
    • Team Classic

    • Team Creative

    • Team Dark Style

    • Team Parallax

  • FAQ
    • FAQ Style 1

    • FAQ Style 2

  • Contact Pages
    • Contact Classic

    • Contact Left Sidebar

    • Contact Right Sidebar

    • Contact With Full Width Map

  • Other Pages
    • Careers

    • Coming Soon

    • Full Width Page

    • Left Sidebar

    • Package Plans

    • Right Sidebar

  • 4 Footer Styles

  • 5 Header Styles

  • 10 Loaading Styles Pages

  • Menu Boxed

  • Menu Dark

  • Menu Left logo

  • Menu Light

  • Menu Transparent

  • 6 Portfolio Pages

  • 6 Portfolio Styles

  • 6 Portfolio Single Page

  • 6 Blogs Style Pages

  • Blog Fullwidth

  • Blog Left Sidebar

  • Blog Right Sidebar

  • 6 Blog Single Page

  • Drupal Commerce


  • 30+ HTML Pages Available

  • Responsive Layoutes

  • Responsive Slider

  • Blog Options

  • Google Font, Font Icons

  • Working Contact Form

  • Powerful Bootstrap v3+

  • Cross Browser Optimization

  • Well Documented

  • Multiple Pages

  • Sticky Menus

  • 10 Home pages

  • And much More…

Staff Drupal Theme



DOWNLOAD Staff | Multi-Purpose Drupal 8 Theme Download

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