Monday, October 20, 2014

Profile Builder (Add-ons) download

Do you want to allow your users


register or edit their profiles from the frontend, or to replace the default WordPress Login, Log Out, Lost Password?

Then the Profile Builder Is Your Best Choice.
See some of its features below.
This plugin does not work independently it needs Forms Management

System-WordPress Frontend Plugin to work
Profile Builder features list:
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Amazing visual

form builder

you will never write a code!
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Unlimited


create as many forms as you want, if you want you can create registration form for each role or for

each role unlimited forms or . . .
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  WPML

focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Multilingual

focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Custom Fields

add as many custom fields as you need and you can choose from too many custom fields, and

there are many other fields that we will add in the future releases.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Custom

Redirects After Registration/Update Profile
redirects your users to a page or custom URL or display a


message when they are registered or update their profile.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Custom

Redirects After Login/Logout.

focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Redirect

wp-login.php to your login page

wp-login.php to your login page for a specific role/roles or all roles.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Redirect

wp-admin to your login page

wp-admin to your login page for a specific role/roles or all roles.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Send email

notification to the admin when a new user has registered.

focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Local

allow you users to upload their profile picture directly from your site.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Disable Admin

disable admin bar at the frontend for a specific role/roles or all roles.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Secure

we are confident enough to tell you… yes it is secured.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Custom CSS &

create your own custom CSS or custom JS file then name it fms-custom-css.css, fms-custom-js.js and

put it in the plugin directory and Forms Management System will recognize it and will enqueue it in

the correct order.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Profile

Username, First Name, Last Name, Nickname, E-mail, Website, Biographical Info, Password, Avatar.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Custom

Text, Textarea, Dropdown, Date, Multi Select, Radio, Checkbox, Image Upload, File Upload, URL,

Email, Repeatable Field, Hidden Field, Google Maps, Stepper.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Other

reCaptcha, Really Simple CAPTCHA, Terms and Conditions, and Message.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Multisite


focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Developer

we stick on the rules, so we did not use any custom PHP code, we only used WordPress


actions, filters, etc. In addition, we always restrict ourselves with WordPress Coding Standards. Therefore, you can

very easy use your preferred actions and filters with Forms Management System.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  User

focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Responsive.
focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  Great


focus_keyword 1413869643 feature  And


21.10.2014 – ver 1

DOWNLOAD Profile Builder (Add-ons)

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