Wednesday, November 26, 2014

HTML5 Multimedia Background (Images and Media) download

Supports Images with slideshow times / self hosted videos / Youtube(api V2/V3) / Vimeo(single) / Daily Motion(single)
Create mixed playlist (mix any media)
Optional deeplinking with jquery address
Optional thumbnails with tooltip vertical and horizontal orientation
Media aspect ratio for images and self hosted videos (fit inside, fit outside)
YouTube Data API (v3)
Single video

Youtube playlist

Youtube channel

Youtube user channels

Youtube video search
Automatically generated video thumbnails and description for Youtube / Vimeo / Daily Motion (or your own custom)
Optional right click context menu
Load playlist (HTML markup, json)
Navigate to url on playlist end
Loop / rewind video
Multiple instances in same page supported (example included)
Play media

Stop media

Stop media playback

Next media

Previous media

Set volume

add track(s) to playlist

remove track from playlist

Load playlist

Destroy media

Destroy playlist

Get playlist data

Get title

Get description
Setup Done

Playlist Loaded

Playlist Item Triggered

Playlist Item Rollover

Playlist Item Rollout

Playlist Item Enable

Playlist Item Disable

Playlist Item Rollout

Media End

Playlist End

Playlist Empty
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Important: For download need login or create account. Sign In

DOWNLOAD HTML5 Multimedia Background (Images and Media)

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