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Leo Twins – Premium Baby Store Prestashop 1.7 Theme
Leo Twins Prestashop Theme is developed by Leotheme Team for baby clothes template, baby theme, baby products website template, toy store, toy shop, baby store, accessories store
- Latest Version 1.7.6 – September 27th, 2019 Changelog
- PrestaShop 1.7.x Ready
- Powerful Leotheme Framework 4.0 with PrestaShop Modules Integrated
If you are looking for a baby clothes template, baby theme, baby products website template, Leo Twins is for you. Leo Twins – premium Prestashop 1.7 theme for any toy store, toy shop, baby store, accessories store.
Leo Twins is built on Prestashop, best Prestashop Framework, and powerful Ap Pagebuilder module.
This template attracts visitor right at the first look by its eye-catchy images, flexible but neat and well-organized layout and user-friendly features.
The homepage is outstanding with left impressive logo, large slideshow, megamenu in horizontal style. Module Search on the top lets you search by categories or key words easily and quickly. You do not need to know too much about technology but you still can run your own online toy store as Leo Twins is very compact, customizable and can be managed in the powerful admin panel.
Right on the right of the screen are module features of Leo Feature like Add to cart, Compare, Wishlish and My account, which gives your customer more utilities when shopping on your site. The Scroll Top button will get you back to the top of page at any time you want quickly. On the left is Social network buttons, which helps to tract your site to social networks, widens your customer net.
The content part is outstanding with Countdown widget for Special Products. This will help you a lot for your marketing campaign. Leo Twins is also integrated with Leo Blog module, allows you to post blog or article, SEO better for you site, so you do not need a solution from third party.
There is still much to know about this excellent theme just by experiencing it. Now it’s time to try out the demo.
See backend more:
- Link demo backend: https://demo1.leotheme.com/leo_twins/admincp/
- Account login: demo@demo.com
- Password: demodemo
Template Features
- This Template compatible with Prestashop 1.7.3.x
- This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devices
- Colours Themes support (Yellow, Blue, Pink…) and Multiple header style
- Template support for Jquery Effects, css 3. Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.
- Impressive built-in content style.
- Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office.
- Easy to add custom html module, special, new, home feature via Leo Manage Widget Module
- Easy change color, template width via the Leo Theme Control Panel Module.
- Support for native language file translation.
- We translate template to 6 languages.
- Fully compatible IE8+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
- Video Leo Framework
- Leo Twins Prestashop Theme guide for PrestaShop 1.7
Update Prestashop 1.7.4.x
- Page builder Module: drag and drop, short code, landing page creator, custom field for product and category.
- Product list builder in home page and category page.
- Product detail builder and support 8+ product layouts.
- Live edit theme: change background, text color, header and footer style
- Mega menu module, blog module, responsive slideshow, video slideshow.
- Fly cart, wishlist, add to compare, product tab, ajax search.
- Css3, SVG icons used.
- Product Slider/Grid home page and category page
- Look book module, product gallery module
- Social block: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.
- Maximum load speed for google speed, SEO Optimization.
- RTL and multiple language support
Change log:
Version (September 27th, 2019)
Module and file change in version 1.7.6 in folder theme
****Modules change:
- modulesps_contactinfops_contactinfo.tpl
- modulesps_shoppingcartmodal.tpl
- modulesps_shoppingcartps_shoppingcart-product-line.tpl
- add new file modulesps_viewedproductviewstemplateshookps_viewedproduct.tpl
****templates change:
- templates_partialsform-errors.tpl
- templates_partialsform-fields.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsminiaturesproduct.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialscategory-header.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsfacets.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsproduct-add-to-cart.tpl
- add new file templatescatalog_partialsproduct-flags.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsproduct-prices.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsproducts-top.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsproduct-variants.tpl
- templatescatalog_partialsquickview.tpl
- templatescataloglistingproduct-list.tpl
- templatescatalogproduct.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialsstepspersonal-information.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialscart-detailed-product-line.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialscart-detailed-totals.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialscart-summary.tpl
- add new file templatescheckout_partialscart-summary-subtotals.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialscart-summary-totals.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialscart-voucher.tpl
- templatescheckout_partialsorder-confirmation-table.tpl
- templatescheckoutcheckout.tpl
****JS change:
- assetsjstheme.js
****Css change
add new file
And more
#748 merged Pull Requests (vs 210 in 1.7.3, 260 in 1.7.4 and 448 in 1.7.5)
#7349 files changed (294661 insertions, 107638 deletions)
#4431 commits merged
#249 issues fixed
#108 people contributed, including 60 new contributors!
<strong>New features:</strong>
<em>Front office</em>
#New design for transactional emails (optimized for mobile display), which strengthen the customer relationship and improve the shopping experience.
#Improved display of the price details (product price, shipping, taxes, etc.) at all key stages of the purchasing process to improve customer reassurance and conversions.
#New profile menu with direct access to resources (documentation, training, agencies, help center…).
#Updated version of the Product Comments module, with rich snippets. Available on 1.7.6+ versions.
#Fully refactored faceted search (for sorts and filters) on the categories and listings pages with the addition of a price slider. The new version is available for all 1.7.1+ versions.
#Improved Catalog mode: for showcase websites, you can now choose to display or to hide product prices.
#Improved currency management subsystem. This is the basis to allow more customization in the next versions, adding custom currencies for example.
#Improved SEO for products with combinations.
<em>Back office</em>
#Manage and preview your transactional emails directly from a new back-office page: Email Theme.
#In order to gather all prices in the same place, a “Price (tax incl.)” column has been added to the product listing. In one glance, it is now possible to get both tax included and excluded prices for each product.
#New helper cards have been added on important pages to improve the software onboarding: Categories, Customers, Pages, Employees.
#Dynamic preview of search engine results has been added to more pages: Product page, Categories, CMS.
#The watermark module has been updated to 1.7 - thanks to the community. The module is available in the Module Catalog.
#Improved translation system for multilingual modules.
#The Design section of the back office has been reworked. Now you are able to have an overview of all design features (RTL, logos, favicon and theme) and manage them the way you want.
#Optimized back office administration on mobile devices.
<strong>Major Bug Fixes</strong>
#Checkout used to proceed automatically from carrier selection to payment selection, it was an issue for some carrier modules requiring extra configuration steps in the carrier selection.
#Enhanced security checks for virtual goods. Previously anyone with the correct link (correct &key=… URL parameter) could download a virtual good.
#We fixed a longtime bug that was creating an error in discount calculation when adding a cart rule in a cart containing only virtual product.
#In the meantime, we also fixed a bug on carrier price calculation. Price is now calculated on the real order price and not the one including after a discount is applied
#DNI fields is now forced only for countries which require it
#Fixed the minimum order in the second currency bug - fixed by the community
#Themes are not reset anymore when already active (also prevent hooks to be reset) - fixed in the Autoupgrade module
#And more
Version ( January 24th, 2019)
#448 merged Pull Requests (vs 210 in 1.7.3 and 260 in 1.7.4)
#2903 files changed (164812 insertions, 129497 deletions)
#2079 commits merged
#114 issues fixed
#75 people contributed!
SEO improvements in category page:
#The first page no longer has a duplicate URL with &page=1
#The category block is no longer displayed after the first page
#Improved default URLs for brands & suppliers (now are /brand/123-somebrand and /supplier/123-mysupplier instead of /123_somebrand and /123__mysupplier)
#Helper card in SEO & URL page
Product page
#Specific prices can now be edited
# SEO section now displays a preview so that you can see how your page would be shown in Google results
#When a product is taken offline, by default visitors will be redirected to the product’s main category, instead of a “Not found” page.
#A “stock location” field has been added
Module management
#UX improvements on Module pages
#New module manager page with new categorization (Addons categories) and ability to manage modules by last use
New & fixed native modules
#The google sitemap module is now available for PrestaShop 1.7
#Favicon notifications in Back Office
#Buy Button Lite
#Cross selling module
#Viewed products
#During install, if there is a more recent stable version of PrestaShop available, it will suggest and allow downloading and installing the latest instead
#New languages in installer:Hindi, Bosnian, Mexican Spanish, Latvian, Galician, Arabic
Bugs fixes
#10638 - Undefined $urls index in ajax rendered template
#9942 - Add new referer error
#9916 - Viewed products don’t work on fresh installed PS1.7
#9883 - Error in Chrome when hit back from product to category
#9697 - Unable to translate some strings in bank wire payment module
Symfony migration: Newly migrated pages
#Orders -> Delivery slips
#Orders -> Invoices
#Design -> Theme Catalog
#Design -> Positions
#Shipping -> Preferences
#Payment -> Payment Methods
#Payment -> Preferences
#International -> Localization -> Localization
#International -> Localization -> Localization
#International -> Translations (Page 1 out of 2)
#Shop Parameters -> Order Settings -> Order Settings
#Shop parameters > Traffic & SEO > SEO & URLs
#Advanced Parameters -> Database -> DB Backup
#Advanced Parameters > Webservice (hidden, because the page “Advanced Parameters > Webservice -> Add key” has not been migrated and it does not make UX sense to have only one of them)
#Advanced Parameters -> Logs
#Advanced parameters -> Email
Components and dependencies
#New Grid component
#Compatibility with Twig 2
#Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2
#The core theme is now built using Webpack 4 and includes jQuery 2.2.4
#Modules can now declare modern (symfony-based) Back Office controllers and use the UI kit
#Modules can now declare and use Symfony commands
#Read about possible module regressions
New hooks
Back Office:
#9311: Apply shop context in configuration
Bug fix:
#9299: Fix error while duplicating a product when catalog specific price rules are stored
#9297: Fix display when a module uses $this->bootstrap = false;
#9261: Update Controller name for link generation to modules catalog
#9268: Added .htaccess to var folder
Front Office:
Bug fix:
#9315: Fix not visible category display
#9295: Fix free shipping display on cart
#9270: Apache 2.4 configuration
#9252: Add combinations in cart summary
Bug fix:
#9288: Fix Cart::isVirtualCart() method when cart is empty
#9298: Fix/remove mbo from tests
#9220: Ability to use widget block from specific hook
#9269: Update ps_themecusto to version 1.0.6
#9237: Fixed bug with friendly URLs and Media Servers
#9101: Fix have cart rule today
#9302: Reduce the number of ajax calls if the fixtures are not too larges and if there’s enough memory available
Bug fix:
#9271: Catch more exceptions during install & display the error intead of a JS error
#9258: Limit subquery results in upgrade sql
(+) Add new
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