Wednesday, September 18, 2019

nulled Your Super Hero in Augmented Reality Download

“version”: “2.0”,”name”: “Your Super Hero in Augmented Reality”,”subline”: “ARKIT”,”username”: “TJKEV”,”created”: “10/09/2019”,”website”: ””,”update”: “09/12/2019”,”update_today”: true,”email”: “”,”description”: ””,”intro”: ”n”,”button_1_text”: ””,”button_2_text”: ””,”button_3_text”: ””,”button_1_url”: ””,”button_2_url”: ””,”button_3_url”: ””,”sections”: [“title”: “What is this ?”,”id”: “what_is_this”,”content”: “ ntChildren or Fans always dreaming to be or to play with their favorite Super Hero in real life. is it possible ? n ntYes, thanks to ARKit, a framework created by Apple. We can create amazing and innovating app and change the way we’ll play.  n nt  n ntBring your Hero in your app and play with it.  n nt  n ntAt the end, take a picture with him and enjoy with people n”,“title”: “Features”,”id”: “features”,”content”: “

  • ttPlace your Super Hero in a real size on the ground

  • nt

  • ttPlay specific actions on your Super Hero

  • n

n”,“title”: “Changelog”,”id”: “changelog”,”content”: “

ntVersion 1.0


nDetect all vertical plansnPlace your model on the specific point of a plannAnimate your model


n”,“title”: “What else”,”id”: “what_else”,”content”: “

tI spent a lot of time on this thing. Nevertheless it’s still not finished. I will improve it wherever I can and appreciate your feedback.


tI prepare new features very interesting


tBest wishes

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DOWNLOAD Your Super Hero in Augmented Reality Download

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