Thursday, September 26, 2019

nulled Olympus - Powerful BuddyPress Theme for Social Networking Download

Welcome to the most Beautiful & Advanced Social WP Theme!

Start with an easy installation!

Build your Community in a Few Steps with Youzer Integration!
Great Social Features!
Amazing Profile Features
Revamped and Improved Navigation
Illustrations, Badges and SVG Icons Included!
Amazing Blog with Unique Post Emotions Sorting Panel
e-Commerce Ready with WooCommerce

Have a Question?

Included Plugins



Version 2.4., September 26, 2019
- fixed woocommerce styles on user profile Shop tab
- fixed category filter on ajax sorting panel
- styling fix of the new post and comment inputs in Youzer activity
- fixed internal page settings for login/register pages
- fixed Crumina counter item
- fixed styles for widget when using bbpress shortcodes on page
- fixed search functionality
- fixed display of number of mutual friends
- fixed log out buddypress link
- fixed links in the top user menu
- improved styling for bbpress profile search
- improved styling of the icons on the activity page
- small styling improvements across the theme
- fixed widgets display in the sidebar
- fixed styles for the sidebar media widget
- fixed styles for the woocommerce shortcodes
- fixed woocommerce checkout styles (sidebar enabled)
- fixed styles of the navigation buttons in the audio and video players
- fixed styles in the Youzer user profile admin panel
- improved styling for forums pages
- improved styling for search field on the forums page
- improved youzer notification
- fixed footer section on the empty category pages
- fixed styles during sharing gifs
- fixed Edit icon in "Youzer - Edit Activity" extension
- fixed footer columns styles on mobile devices
- added the top user menu links strings to the language file
- added smooth scroll to anchors, added documentation article on it
- added documentation article on how to repplace olympus icon to a custom one in the search results
- included "choose your reaction" string to the language file
- removed warning message for deactivated unyson extensions
- updated plugins
- updated Woocommerce templates

Version 2.3.3.
- Improved theme styling after the Youzer update 2.3.3
- Improved styling for bbPress Profile Search plugin
- Updated plugins

version 2.3
-improved footer options
-improved notification box
-improved notification bar on mobile
-improved styles on manage group page
-improved styles for widgets
-improved widget styles
-added option to upload thumbnail for audio/video from admin dashboard
-added font color in WP Bakery builder row settings
-added option to change background color for the left panel
-added an option to change colors for post thumbs
-added strings for translation
-added telegram social network in the footer section
-added option to change color for icons in fixed left panel
-added link for profile image in user menu
-added shortcode support in stunning header
-added links for notification panel
-made the logged in window in registration form customizable
-compatible with Buddypress Activity Reactions
-compatible with Youzer - Member Types
-compatible with Transcoder plugin
-included the string on 404 page to translation
-fixed icon for group suggestion widget
-fixed left border color on the single group page
-fixed blog reactions with counter
-fixed login form description on forums page
-fixed woocomerce errors fields
-fixed post thumbnail on the activity page
-fixed user menu on iPad
-fixed style for twitchch social login button

version 2.2.1

- fixed bug with icon fonts on left menu panel
- Added icons and improved styles for bbpress pages

version 2.2
-added an option to control left panel for specific page
-added an option to hide menu navigation for unlogged users
-added post format meta-boxes
-improved styling issue on upload media page
-improved displaying left panel tooltips in IE
-improved displaying trash icon in inbox
-improved styles for the search result page
-improved contact form displaying messages
-improved WooCommerce Stripe - Checkout styles
-improved adding post comment
-improved styles for menu button
-updated WooCommerce files
-translated login/register form
-hidden upload button for unlogged users
-fixed styling issue on the User Blog Posts
-fixed styling issue on the profile page
-fixed reactions overlapping on mobiles
-fixed changing menu color
-fixed search functionality
-fixed compatibility with Gutenberg
-fixed media content displaying issues
-fixed comment icon redirections on the post
-fixed styling issues on profile settings
-fixed social button styling issues
-fixed cache issue during login process
-fixed menu icons
-fixed layout on members/groups page
-fixed filter panel on members/groups page
-fixed woocommerce styling issue on the checkout page
-fixed Most Popular Posts styling issue
-fixed notifications
-fixed search bar displaying option
-fixed Youzer login form
-fixed/rewritten blog pagination
-fixed strings translation on the sorting page
-fixed style for drop-down in created topic
-fixed responsive issue with video container
-fixed styles for mycred Leaderboard widget
-made media links dynamic
-made buddypress follow plugin compatible with theme

version 2.0.3
-improved styles for the search result page
-improved registration process
-fixed notifications
-fixed Youzer register form styling issues
-fixed Privacy Account tab styling

-Version 2.0
-Youzer integration
-improved login/register form options
-improved menu navigation for mobiles
-improved styles for forums on smartphone’s vertical layout
-improved header style on mobiles
-added login/register popup in the user bar
-added user profile preview
-added links for redirect after login/register process
-added GDPR checkbox for registration form
-added password validation eye
-added option to change phrases on the register form
-added option for editing the user menu
-added landing page template
-added logo size option
-added label / tooltip to the icons
-fixed tooltip issue on touch devices
-fixed WooCommerce cart option
-fixed displaying posts on the author page
-fixed displaying posts issue in a draft mode
-fixed IE issues
-fixed categories loop
-fixed responsive issues
-fixed “logout” menu item
-moved stunning header in extension
-changed left menu panel options
-updated WooCommerce templates
-updated the title displaying on the page
- new SVG icons included
- PSD of stunning header illustrations included


DOWNLOAD Olympus - Powerful BuddyPress Theme for Social Networking Download

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