Wednesday, November 27, 2019

nulled Amazon Associates Review Shortcodes Download

Amazon Associates Review Shortcodes is a plugin which provides you to use shortcodes to see the number of review of the product and the overall rating based on Amazon customers’ reviews.

How it works?

Plugin gives you possibility of using shortcodes which shows number of review and overall rating for Amazon products.

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How to install?

There is jut one step to set the plugin up. After installing AARS, go to the settings page and enter your Amazon Associates user information (Acces Key ID, Secret Key, Associate Tag, and Endpoint).

Amazon Credentials

You need to use two shortcodes to see the plugin features:
[aars_review_nb asins=”<ASIN of a product>”] which shows you the number of reviews of the product, and
[aars_rating asins=”<ASIN of a product>”] which shows you an image of an overall rating of the product if it does have any.

For the product:
B01FM6TOH6 and products shortcodes:

aars_review_nb asins=’B01FM6TOH6’

The number of reviews and an overall rating of the product will be shown:
Rating example

Do you like this plugin?


* 0.1.0 - 2018-11-17
* Initial version

Support available in Polish and English!



DOWNLOAD Amazon Associates Review Shortcodes Download

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