Thursday, November 28, 2019

nulled Text Message from WordPress Website Download

Programmable SMS

Send and receive text messages globally with the API that over a million developers depend on.

Twilio Setting

Enable Twilio SMS Service:Would you like to enable Twilio SMS Service from your website to send SMS to any number from your twilio number?

Twilio SID: Your Account SID from

Twilio Token: Your Auth Token from

Twilio Number: Valid twilio number from your twilio account

Message Dashboard

This is the terminal from where you can send the message to the user.

Send message to: Valid phone number whom you want to send text message eg: +14789921160. Use one number at a time

Text message: Text message need to be send to above number


[twiliosendsms redirect_url=”full_url” title=”title for the shortcode” login_user=”true”]

We have created a shortcode for the message dashboard to use in any page. You can restrict to logged in and non logged in user. Default it will be visible to all the users.

redirect_url: Where to redirect user after submission of the text message. default it will redirect to home url

title: Title of the message dashboard. Default will be message dashboard

login_user: To restrict the shortcode (message dashboard) to logged in user need to pass true as an argument. Default argument will be false so that all the user (logged in and non logged in user) will see the form and send message to any number from the registred twilio number



DOWNLOAD Text Message from WordPress Website Download

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