Saturday, November 30, 2019

nulled Products Pin Points Slider Download

Product Pin Points Slider extension is provided slider & we can assign product with set pin points from the magento admin side. We can manage multipal slider & set on home page, product page etc.

Magento 2 Demo Login details

username :- admin

password :- admin123#

Table of Contents

  • Easy to installations and configure.

  • User-friendly interface.

  • User can add or remove jquery library from the admin side configuration.

  • User Can easily add Banner & set product pin point on the banner.

  • User can set banner name, Banner Order for the slider, slider settings.

  • User can set Pins point for the product ID assigning on front side.

  • User can create multi-pal sliders with auto created keys of the slider.

  • User can set slider anywhere like add in CMS or any .PHTML files.

  • User can set slider in home page via XML as well.

  • User can set slider in the category page via admin category section & assign as a CMS block.

A : Introduction – top

Products Pin Point Slider provide you to set product pins on banner and create a slider with benner collection and you can set slider using block key.

Everyone can use because it’s easy to set pins and create slider & compatible with all recent versions of Magento 2

B : Main Features – top

  • Easy to installations and configure.

  • User-friendly interface.

  • User can add or remove jquery library from the admin side configuration.

  • User Can easily add Banner & set product pin point on the banner.

  • User can set banner name, Banner Order for the slider, slider settings.

  • User can set Pins point for the product ID assigning on front side.

  • User can create multi-pal sliders with auto created keys of the slider.

  • User can set slider anywhere like add in CMS or any .PHTML files.

  • User can set slider in home page via XML as well.

  • User can set slider in the category page via admin category section & assign as a CMS block.

C : Installation guide – top

This part of the documentation is going to cover, in a step by step instruction the installation of Magento 2 extension on your Magento 2 store.

  • Step 1. The most important task is to make certain you have an upto date backup of your magento2 website! This is always a good thing, not necessarily so important for our extension but in general.

  • Step 2. Download the Magento 2 extension & extrect here.

  • Step 3. Download from CodeCanyon

  • Step 3.1 Extract the Product-Pin-Points-Slider directory to your computer

  • Step 3.2 Upload the Product-Pin-Points-Slider directory to the /public_html directory

  • Step 4. Run below command for the magento 2 extension.

  • Step 4.1 php bin/magento cache:clean

  • Step 4.2 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  • Step 4.3 php bin/magento setup:di:compile

  • Step 4.4 php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -a adminhtml

  • Step 4.5 php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f -a frontend

  • Step 5. The image below show that extension uploaded via own system & enable via admin configuration.

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You can set configuration after uploading extension.

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After made settings, your extension will be activated.

D) Getting started – top

Step 1

Click on “Create Banner” menu for the list of the banner & create new banner of the slider.

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Step 2

Click on “Add a New Banner” so you can create new banner for the slider.

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Step 3

You can set name of the slider, status of the banner & order of the image for the slider.

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Click on image tab & upload slider image via file uploded componant.

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After upload Banner image, Click on banner & you can set product pins points and add product ID.

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Click on “Manage slider” menu for the list of the Slider & create new Slider of the Banner.

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Click on “Add a New Slider” so you can create new Slider for the Banners.

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You can set slider imformation for the slider settings.

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Click on “Sellect Banner” so you can select banner & create new Slider for the Banners.

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FYI : If you would like to set Home page then you need to set XML code in designing section.

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You can see like this on the slider section when you hover on pin points.

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FYI : If you would like to set slider on category section, you need to set in admin side category section & assign CMS block.

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Thank you so much,




DOWNLOAD Products Pin Points Slider Download

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