Tuesday, February 25, 2020

nulled Kontxt | Search & Recommendations Upgrade for WordPress & WooCommerce Download

Kontxt | Search & Recommendations Upgrade for WordPress & WooCommerce - 1

KONTXT™ Demand Engine improves WordPress and WooCommerce search results, and provides both content and product recommendations. Our plugin operates for both content sites or storefronts and sites with a mix of both blog articles and products.

Features of our WordPress plugin:

  • Improved search results including masonry/pinterest styled template (instant on/off control on the KONTXT > Settings page after install)

  • Content and product recommendations widget (instant on/off control on the KONTXT > Settings page after install)

  • Supports language understanding for core WordPress functionality as well as popular plugins: WooCommerce, bbPress, Contact Form 7, and Gravity Forms

  • Customer journey path & flow analysis

  • Customer intent detection and analysis

  • Tone, Sentiment & Emotional analysis

  • Keyword extraction for Google AdWords optimization

How does it work? KONTXT™ Demand Engine analyzes all search queries and customer’s interactions with your site and predicts their semantic intent (“why are they on your site and what do they really want?”). It also applies advanced parts-of-speech and semantic slot filling techniques to identify the main elements of your customer behaviors.

Moreover, it detects the emotional content for each interaction enabling you to analyze your brand’s connection with your customers and plots the major journey points that your customers take across your site.



DOWNLOAD Kontxt | Search & Recommendations Upgrade for WordPress & WooCommerce Download

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