Saturday, February 22, 2020

nulled WooCommerce Attribute Stock - Share Stock Between Products Download

Take control of your product stock with WooCommerce Attribute Stock.

Easily track shared stock, linked stock, variable stock, multiple product stock, product addons, parts, ingredients, combos, and much more!

This plugin allows you to seamlessly share stock between multiple products or variations – in almost any way you can think of.

For example:

Imagine you have an online store that sells custom printed t-shirts. You can easily add each t-shirt print as a product on your site. However, since your t-shirts are shared between all of your products you would not normally be able to track the total number of t-shirts you have in stock.

This limitation exists because WooCommerce can only track stock at the product level. Hence any type of stock that is used for more than one product cannot be managed within WooCommerce. In simple cases you might be able to get away with using variable products, but they are still limited to only a single product listing on your site.

This is just one of the many powerful use cases of attribute-based stock!

Plugin Features

Attribute-based stock
Assign and manage stock at the attribute level or attribute term level. Share stock between all products with the assigned attributes.

Management interface
Admin page for advanced management of attribute stock items. Set SKUs, internal notes, product types, low stock threshold, and more.

Quantity multiplier
Set how much attribute stock is reduced per purchase. Decimal values are also allowed.

Limit product stock
Display the effective product stock available on the frontend and prevent over-purchasing.

Stock reports
Keep track of your attribute stock with WooCommerce stock reports.

Low stock emails
Email notifications for low stock and out of stock attributes (if enabled).

Fully-extensible codebase
Almost anything that can’t already be configured can be added or changed with actions and filters.

Translation ready
Fully compatible with translation files and language packs.

More Examples

Example #1:

Attribute-level stock is very useful for when you need to track variable stock (different amounts per item). Let’s say your shop sells Tea per grams. You would simply set your total Tea stock on an attribute Tea and add attribute terms such as 25g, 50g, 100g, etc. Each term can then be set to deduct the respective amount from the total Tea stock. This works the same for lengths, quantities, or combo packs.

Example #2:

Another case where WooCommerce stock management falls short is if you sold necklace pendants with various chains. Ideally you would want to add a separate product for each pendant with options for the chain such as type and length. With attribute stock you can accurately track the chain inventory shared between each of your pendant products and ensure items are not over-purchased.


The official WooCommerce Attribute Stock online documentation can be viewed here.



DOWNLOAD WooCommerce Attribute Stock - Share Stock Between Products Download

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