Friday, February 28, 2020

nulled WP Post Divider Download

WP Post Divider is a powerful plugin that allows you to divide your site page, post or product content to make your page more visually appealing. Simple page breaks keep various sections of your post separated and organized. Through Navigation bar users can easily navigate from one block to another block instead of scrolling the number of blocks. It makes the content easier to read because people aren’t going to want to read a large block of text.

WP Post Divider is the best way to organize your site post, page or product content. WP post divider allows users to add multiple page breaks inside their site post, page, or product content. Users can easily add custom-designed header, footer, and title for each block of content. Users can easily slide from one block of content to other blocks of content using a navigation bar.

Main Features

Here are Main features of WP Post Divider:

  • Divide post, pages, and product content

  • Navigation bar to switch text from one slide to another slide

  • Custom header for each slide of page, post, and product

  • Custom footer for each slide of page, post, and product

  • Multiple post types

  • Load the Slides by using AJAX

  • Load the slide by a page reload

Page Break

Page break is the main feature of this plugin. This feature allows you to add multiple page breaks inside your site post, page, and product content. Users can easily organize and separate posts, page and product content.

Navigation Bar

Navigation bar to switch text from one slide to another slide. You can apply different icons, color, size, space, border, transition effect and text for a navigation bar. Using navigation selector you can add custom styling for navigation buttons. User can also set or update the following options:

  • Navigation separate text.

  • Next and Previous button text.

  • Horizontal and vertical position of navigation bar inside your post, page and product.

Custom Header

Custom slide header feature allows you to add a custom header for each block of content. A shortcode of the header is added inside your content. Slide header shortcode is xswppd_header. You can add plain text, the image inside this tag. Users can also add a custom code of Html for header design.

Custom slide footer feature allows you to add a custom footer for each block of content. A shortcode of slide footer is added inside your content. Slide footer shortcode is xswppd_footer. You can add your custom Html code or plain text, the image inside the footer tag.

Multiple Post Type

Users can select multiple post types. This plugin provides post, page and custom post type. For example, if the user select posts and pages then plugin options show in post and page text editor.

Load the Slides by using AJAX

The most efficient option uses preloading and caching methods. If a user checks the AJAX method then the page does not reload while navigating from one block of content other blocks of content and transition effects are applied.

Load the slide by a page reload

This feature page reloads whenever a user navigates from one block of content to other blocks of content.

Usage of WP Post Divider

People aren’t going to want to read a wall of text. Long paragraphs can be very intimidating to read on a computer, and even more so on mobile devices. Now people are looking for the information that provides them the most value, and they want to find it easily and quickly. WP Post Divider is the best way to separate and organize large content. This provides page breaks, header footer, title, and navigation bar which are all great ways to break up online content and make your page more visually appealing.

Change Logs

1.0 – 23 Feb, 2020

- initial release



DOWNLOAD WP Post Divider Download

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