Saturday, September 27, 2014

FLATBOOTS - phpBB3 (PhpBB) download

Smart Colors focus_keyword body long
Header focus_keyword 1411886819 header
SEO focus_keyword 1411886820 seo
SMART Loader focus_keyword smart
Modular focus_keyword modular
Bootstrap focus_keyword bb powered
HTML5/CSS3 focus_keyword coded
Smart Colors focus_keyword smart colors
Header focus_keyword header bootstrap
Bootstrap is ‘mobile-first’ front end framework developed by a couple of engineers at Twitter (hence the name), it was originally designed to help provide some consistency across tools the guys were building internally. Since its first public (open source) release in 2011 (see the blog post here) it has found huge popularity among web developers for its ease of use and feature set, and in 2012 was the most popular project on GitHub. that allows for developing websites and custom applications that are cross-browser and cross-device compatible (responsive). Some of the key features of Twitter Bootstrap are:
Responsive design Base CSS For Typography, code, Tables, Forms, Buttons
Web UI Component Dropdowns, Buttons, Navigation menu, Labels, Breadrumbs, Pagination, Thumbnails, Alerts, Progress bars
JavaScript plugins Modal, Dropdown, Scrollspy, Tab, Tooltip, Popover, Alert, Button, Collapse, Carousel and Typehead
Built on LESS A CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites
Cross platform Ensures that the output is consistent across platforms & browsers
Integration Simple, fast and easy to work with existing sites
Compatibility Takes into account the future design & development standards e.g. HTML5 & CSS3
Open Source Allows developers to participate and add their contribution to be used by other bootstrap developers
Header focus_keyword header features
Bootstrap 3.2.0 Fully integrated and untouched (This is the 2nd theme in the phpBB market section that has been truly written on top bootstrap Mi first was BBOOTS. Don’t let the other Authors FOOL you with poorly coded copycats.)

Fancy Lazy Topics Loader ($200 value ) Download it from the community forum at

Topics and Posts Status Replaced with Font Icons

Multilanguage support, just drop the language file into your language and all set!

Built from the GROUND-UP on Bootstrap Framework HOT

100% valid HTML5 and CSS3 Semantic

100+ Fully Responsive Pages (Moderator control Panel, User Control Panel , Everything!)

limitless Colors Combinations with the on-line colorpicker service: COLORIZE™

Remarkably Easy and Fun to customize

Twitter API 1.1 Fully Integrated (yep add your twitter ID and presto your tweets are displayed)

Windows 8 Touch And Pinnable Address Compatible

Several Extra Bootstrap Compatible Plugins Added

Preview On File Uploads And Avatar (HOT)

Well Documented and commented Semantic (HTML and CSS)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Powerhouse!HOT

CSS3 Goodness ;-) focus_keyword 1411886825 wink

Common error pages from 400 to 503 included

Notifier system with Postpone option. Never miss a PM again! HOT

AMD loader to Load Up Resources Asynchronously and in Parallel

No More Ugly Select, Radio And Checkboxes, Everything Is Fully Styled

Font Awesome 4x And Icon Moon Font Icons Integration (Choose between 420+ icons )

Image-less! Almost ;-) focus_keyword 1411886825 wink Only 2 Images Used HOT

Supports All Major Browsers And Devices

Much More I promise :-) focus_keyword 1411886825 happy
Header focus_keyword header awe
Community focus_keyword community
Colorize focus_keyword colorize
Premium addons focus_keyword premium
Hire Me focus_keyword hireme
Apply the BBcore included in the documentation after installing the theme! You can use AutoMod to install the package. It’s packed as modx format for your convenience ;-) focus_keyword 1411886825 wink

FLATBOOTS Theme does NOT include any Pre-installed Mods. I am available for freelance work to customize you favorite phpBB3 mods or to extend FLATBOOTS according to your needs. Email me for a quote ;-) focus_keyword 1411886825 wink


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