Tuesday, September 30, 2014

MoonLight Forum System - Wordpress Plugin (WordPress) download

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MoonLight Forum system

MoonLight presents the most complete and easy to use bulletin board system ever!
Simply install the plugin on your WordPress website and start creating your own community :) focus_keyword 1412082152 happy
In simple terms:

It’s Easy -> Everything you need is just in place.

It’s Powerful -> Search/Manage/Reply/Post instantly.

It’s Beautiful -> It has superior typography and beautiful interface.

It’s Optimized -> SEO Friendly, Independent HTML Layout, OOP Codes that used the Forum System API.
focus_keyword wpMoonLightForum features
Main Features
Bootstrap 3.1
100% Responsive design
SEO Optimized

HTML5 semantic structure
Cross-browser Compatible

Completely independent HTML layout if you have ever needed to change your forum design

Edit/active/inactive/add/remove moderators

Edit/active/inactive users

Display name option

Registration Captcha code
UTF-8 languages support

Forgot password

Users can also view their own topics independently and manage them

Topics subscription

Email subscription manager

Edit/stick/lock/inactive/active/delete topics

Edit/active/inactive/delete categories, forums, topics and posts

Thank/edit posts

Checkout the number of topic’s view

Redirect forums, topics and posts
Topics meta tags for a greater search experience and SEO

Ajax and PHP Contact Form component

Ajax Pagination component
Extensive Documentation + descriptions for advanced users on how to modify the whole system’s skin!
Features as a WordPress Plugin
Ability to connect your wordpress accounts with your MoonLight Forum System or set it independently

Clever Moderators setup in connected mode

Ability to have optional pages such as FAQ, About and Contact page for your support center

Easily modify the pages’ contents right from your WordPress panel

Enable/disable optional pages

Reset to default settings

Email templates variables

Optional Contact form component

Set to receive emails for different purposes

Clean independent HTML layout. It doesn’t matter what WordPress theme you’re using, Forum system layout is independent and won’t get mixed up in your theme.

Short URL generator, http://www.mysite.com/?forum=index

So easy to use and setup! All you need is your forum’s URL, as soon as you install the plugin, you can use the generated URL and link to it anywhere on your website, it is redirected to your website forum.
How to install it

Installing the plugin is just like installing any other plugins on your wordpress website, after downloading the package, you can upload the plugin ZIP file by going to “Plugins/Add new” page of your WordPress admin panel. After uploading is done just activate the plugin and you will see that “Forum System” menu is added on your wordpress panel menu.

Go to the Forum System “Control” page and set the initial setting to get it started :) focus_keyword 1412082152 happy
Features from programming perspective

If you’re a PHP programmer or HTML web designer, it may be interesting for you to know how’s our files structure and what resources we have used :) focus_keyword 1412082152 happy
OOP codes and following PSR
Using Smarty for connecting HTML layout to PHP codes
Forum API usage for connecting forum’s core to the main structure

Used mySQLi method and fallbacks for previous versions of PHP

query execution/Database communications

Clean CSS and customized Bootstrap skin

Well documented. Clean help files and comments everywhere!
FontAwesome integration

JQuery components
Administrator (you): Can add/remove/inactive/active moderators, categories, forums, topics, posts and edit each of them. Also be able to inactive/active/edit/remove users. In simple terms, admin can do anything!
Moderators: Can add/remove/inactive/active categories, forums, topics, posts and edit each of them.
Users: Can add/remove/inactive/active/edit only their own topics and posts (of course if administrator or any of the moderators didn’t inactive them for him/her already). Users can only see anything which is active.
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DOWNLOAD MoonLight Forum System - Wordpress Plugin (WordPress)

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