Monday, September 29, 2014

Forms Management System-WordPress Frontend Plugin (Forms) download

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focus_keyword form colors
One Plugin For Everything!
You Want To Build a Job board, Classified site, News site, Book store, Directories? Or Any Interactive


So Forms Management System Is Your Best Choice.
Forms Management System is a full solution frontend plugin to build advanced posting forms, guest

forms, contact forms and frontend dashboard for WordPress with a visual so easy to use forms builder.
Forms Management System features list
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Amazing visual

form builder

you will never write a code!
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Unlimited


create as many forms as you want like guest post, post submission, contact form, job submission, classified

submission, etc.

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  WPML

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Multilingual

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Guest Posting

let your users publish the content on your website without registration.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Auto

if you want to register your guests automatically while they publish the content on your

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom Post

Type Supported
let your users submit the content from the frontend in any post type (posts, pages,

custom post types, etc.).

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom

Taxonomy Supported
add your own custom taxonomy to your frontend form and view them as dropdown menus

or checkbox …etc.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom Fields

add as many custom fields as you need and you can choose from too many custom fields, and

there are many other fields that we will be added in the future releases.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom

redirect your users to a page or custom URL or to the newly created post or display a cool

message when they submit a new content on your website, you can also set these settings when users update their

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Set Post

when users submit a new post or update it,then the post can be set to any status you prefer

(Draft, Pending Review, Private, Published).
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  New Post

Notification, Update Post Notification
you can get an email notification whenever the users add a new

post or update a post. Without visiting your site’s dashboard. you can get an email with all the post information

including: post title, content, excerpt, tags, category, author, site name, site URL, permalink, edit link, and any

custom fields that you have in your form.

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom CSS &

create your own custom CSS or custom JS file then name it fms-custom-css.css, fms-custom-js.js and

put it in the plugin directory and Forms Management System will recognize it and will enqueue it in

the correct order.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Post Format

specify the post format for each form.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Comment Status

specify the comment status for each form weather to be open or close.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Post

if you want you can allow your users to save their posts as drafts.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom

Text, Textarea, Dropdown, Date, Multi Select, Radio, Checkbox, Image Upload, File Upload, URL,

Email, Repeatable Field, Hidden Field, Google Maps.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Post

Post Title, Post Body, Excerpt, Tags, Category, Featured Image.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Other

reCaptcha, Really Simple CAPTCHA, Terms and Conditions.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Frontend

allow your users to edit and delete their posts from the frontend by listing their posts in

an awesome frontend dashboard.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Full Featured

Contact Form With The Same Awesome Visual Form Builder And Amazing Features.

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  The contact

form with multiple recipients

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Custom

Redirection Also In Contact Form
redirect your users to a page or a custom URL or display a cool

message when they submit the contact form.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Three Form

Theme Styles
based on Smart

(That is an extra value of 11$ included).
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Eight Form

Theme Colors
also based on Smart Forms.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Bundled With

Simple Form Validator – PHP Class
(That is an extra value of 7$ included).
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Everything is

configurable even client side validation messages!

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Compatible WordPress

3.5 or higher

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  User

focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Responsive.
focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  Great


focus_keyword 1411985874 feature  And


Coming Soon Registration Form Builder, Extra Fields & Features.
We Built it to stay, we are MOSTASHAROON’s developers,

so we use it daily in our projects


DOWNLOAD Forms Management System-WordPress Frontend Plugin (Forms)

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