Thursday, September 25, 2014

Roots Popups (Utilities) download

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Roots Popups
The most powerfull popup plugin on codecanyon
With over 100 options to customize your popups, only your imagination is the limit.
The only popup plugin that allows you to content from the popups in your posts and pages with 9 additional shortcodes.
The most popuplar social networks are here
focus_keyword roots popups 1
Image slider & Google maps with multiple markers & video Gallery popups can be crated
Create forms to colect data from your visitors
Full List of Features
focus_keyword roots popups 2
focus_keyword online documentation

If you want to use the Roots Popups plugin, all you need to do is install WordPress 3.5+, and install the plugin.

DOWNLOAD Roots Popups (Utilities)

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